Five life habits that do not affect embryonic implantation

When a woman seeks to get pregnant, she knows that she must lead a healthy life, know her cycles and prepare her body for conception. These basic tips can help you get the long-awaited pregnancy soon.

However, there are many fears that some women have that certain life habits can affect embryonic implantation and therefore interrupt this process. Today we tell you that five routine things you can keep doing without fear that these may affect the implantation of the fertilized egg.

Once he ovum has been fertilized, this begins its descent to the uterus where the embryonic implantation, whose success depends on the pregnancy moving forward. Women who wish to become pregnant know the importance of this moment, and take extreme care at this stage so that pregnancy can move forward.

The experts of Ava, a medical technology company dedicated to providing innovation to women's reproductive health, have recently published a report with the five habits that women fear most that may affect the fertilized egg. Five habits that, however, they don't involve any danger When it comes to getting pregnant.

1. Physical exercise

Many women worry about doing physical exercise, in case it could affect the fertilized egg. The truth is that there is no problem in continuing with the exercise routine or start a new one, as long as the level is increased progressively. In addition, exercise reduces stress.

However, there is an exception. The body perceives very intense exercise as a form of physiological stress, being able to reduce progesterone levels, a hormone that helps pregnancy to develop safely.

2. Consume caffeine

Can I have coffee if I get pregnant? The answer is yes, but with moderation.

Ava experts remember that there are many studies that have shown that the risk of natural abortion increases with caffeine intake. Women who consume more than 200 mg (the amount of a cup of coffee) are twice as likely to have an abortion (25.5 percent) as those who do not drink caffeine (12.5 percent).

Another study showed that women who drink more than 200 mg of caffeine a day were half as likely to conceive per cycle than women who consume less.

It is not entirely clear why large amounts of caffeine appear to have a negative effect on fertility, but there are preliminary studies in mice and monkeys that suggest that caffeine inhibits ovular maturation. An immature ovum may not be fertilized and therefore cannot produce a pregnancy.

3. Constipation

During the luteal phase, progesterone rises, causing intestinal obstructions. In this context, many women fear that abdominal efforts when going to the bathroom may cause the incipient embryo to detach from the uterine lining.

Ava experts remember that before pregnancy, the uterus is completely closed, providing a very safe environment for the newly implanted ovum. Therefore, it would be practically it is impossible that abdominal efforts could affect the embryo.

4. Sexual intercourse

This is one of the main myths of pregnancy and one of the habits that most worries women, but really, can contractions caused by orgasm cause ovum detachment?

The truth is that many studies have investigated in this regard and one of them did conclude that sex during the implantation phase slightly decreases the probability of conception, although it did not take into account the percentages of orgasm.

However, other research showed that having intercourse during an in vitro fertilization cycle improved the chances of pregnancy, since it is believed that semen exposure promotes embryo development and implantation in animals.

5. Heat environments: saunas and jacuzzi

There are no studies that focus on the impact that it may have on implantation, taking a bath in a jacuzzi or going to a sauna. Thus, it is recommended to follow the same indications that pregnant women receive: Do not stay in environments that exceed 40 degrees, do not stand at the point that supplies hot water and take breaks every 10 minutes.

In summary, if you are looking for a pregnancy, do not be afraid to follow your daily life routines. Take care, rest and lead healthy lifestyle habits and hopefully you can see your dream come true soon
  • Photos | iStock
  • Via | AVA
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