What does a baby see in a stroller and what does he see in a baby carrier

If one day they asked me what is the best advice you can give to a father who has just had a child, I would say that it is to “always try to put yourself in his place”.

To understand a baby and to know what he wants, why he wants it and why he asks for it, the ideal is to try to know what is going on in his head. So we do not think of children as if they were small adults, trying to put them at our level, but it is we who put ourselves at the level of a baby, being easier to understand them.

For this reason I especially like those writings or those videos in which people try to put themselves in the place of babies and that is why I bring you this video in which we can see what does a baby in a stroller see and what does one see in a baby carrier (and now we comment).

The experiment was carried out by locating a camera both in a stroller and at the height of a baby carrier as if they were the baby's eyes.

First we see what a baby sees lying in his stroller, observing that it is extremely boring to go lying down looking at the sky and then we can see how stimulating it can be to go upright, looking to the side.

However the video has a trap

If we are left with only the images the answer is very clear: better the baby carrier. However, I think the video has a bit of a trap. If the same video had been made with a baby of two months (or even a month) would make more sense, because they are more likely to lie in the stroller. With three months many already go a little more seated, semi-sitting I would say, and as they usually go still contrary to the direction of the march what they see continuously is their mother or father.

If we compare "seeing your father or your mother all the time" with "seeing the walls and doors of the street", I would almost choose the former.

Let's say the baby is one or two months old

Let's say that this video was made thinking of a baby of one or two months. Again there will be cheating because babies at this age have a poor vision (less defined than what is seen in the camera), so between seeing a blurry sky and seeing walls, doors and blurred people, the latter will always be better, but the difference will not be as much.

In the end it is more important to feel than to see

In the end, if you ask me to choose between the stroller and a baby carrier to take a baby of one, two or three months I will answer whenever I choose the baby carrier. It is interesting and curious to see what babies could see from both points of view but the most important thing for me is not that, but to know what a baby feels in a stroller and what a baby feels with her body hugged to that of mom.

I think there is not much to explain. One is sitting in a chair that moves and the other has whole body surrounding mom, smelling her, listening to her very close voice, noticing her skin and even hearing her heart when she rests the ear on her chest.

Video | Youtube
In Babies and more | What to consider before buying a baby carrier, Use of the baby carriage: only what is necessary, High-demand babies: taking the stroller for a walk

Video: Bugaboo Bee 5 stroller vs Tula baby carrier (July 2024).