Those born in October are longer and better athletes, according to numerous studies

It is not the first time that we echo studies that link the form or month of birth with the character of the baby, its predisposition to succeed in the academic stage or the risk of suffering certain diseases or disorders.

As we saw a long time ago, various biochemical studies showed that babies born in autumn have a very balanced personality and little tendency to depression. But as we open a new month, today we tell you in more detail what scientists say about children born in october.

Longer life than those born at another time of the year

According to a study published on the web of scientific articles and clinical studies Journal of Aging Research, babies born in autumn have more likely to live up to one hundred years than those born at another time of the year.

The results revealed that "people born between the months of September and November have significantly greater chances of longevity compared to people born in March ", the study authors write. Subsequently, another German study published on the Springer Link scientific website echoed these findings incorporating more recent data.

They get sick more often

However, the fact that they are more long-lived seems not to be related to good health, because according to numerous studies published on the ABC News news portal, Babies born in October have a higher risk of disease, although the authors point out that logically everything will depend on the lifestyle of each individual.

"The risk of disease related to the month of birth is relatively lower when compared to more influential variables such as diet and exercise" - says Nicholas Tatonetti, co-author of the study and professor at the University Medical Center of Columbia (United States) .

According to scientists, it seems that the diseases for which October babies might be more prone are asthma and other respiratory conditions. By cons, they have a very reduced risk of suffering from cardiovascular diseases.

Another study edited by the University of California and published in the National Academy of Sciences of the United States, linked the lower risk of cardiovascular disease to a longer life expectancy, which would explain the longevity we talked about at the beginning.

Good athletes

And perhaps, the good cardiovascular health enjoyed by people born in October is responsible for the sport being particularly good for them.

An investigation of the British University of Essex, proved the endurance, strength and cardiovascular fitness of almost 9,000 boys and girls between 10 and 16 years old, and found that those born in October and November were significantly better athletes than the rest, possibly due to the optimal exposure to vitamin D they had already from the mother's womb.

"Children born in autumn in the northern hemisphere of the Earth tend to have larger bones and greater muscle mass" - notes the author of the study, Gavin Sandercock.

Better mental health

And as we have analyzed on other occasions, it seems that people born in this month of October have less chance of suffering from mental disorders such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorders or dependency. In addition, a study published by the British Journal of Psychiatry linked a lower propensity for suicide in those born in this month.

In summary, it seems that numerous studies published over recent years indicate that babies born in October have a strong heart although they may be more prone to asthma. However, it seems that this does not have to deter them when it comes to success in sports.

Anyway, congratulations to all the children of October and the babies that will be born in this month. According to science, it seems that this will be the first of your one hundred and more October.
  • Photos iStock, Pixabay

  • Via Fatherly

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