German doctors recommend not taking babies face the world in the baby carrier

From a time to this part there are many couples who choose to take your babies in baby carriers instead of making exclusive use of the stroller. Doing so has the advantage that you do not have to walk with a stroller all day, with the discomfort that it can entail in some places and that the child is calmer because it is closer to the body of a father or mother.

Within the term baby carrier include backpacks, scarves and other similar systems that help put the baby or child hanging from its carrier, some of them with several possibilities, even admitting the option of the baby looking out.

For some time now I have been reading (and saying in the nursing office) that bringing the baby face to the world is not appropriate. Now, Mercedes Granda, from My Magic Bag, brings us the translation of an article from the German Federation of Pediatrics that comes to corroborate what I am telling you. As they say it is not advisable to take a baby facing the world in a baby carrier.

Wolfram Hartmann, president of the German Federation of Pediatrics has said the following in this regard:

These devices are harmful to the hip joints of the still malleable baby ... There are baby carriers in which children can see everything that happens. But they are still babies, and what is really important for babies is to feel safe. It is for this reason that we should not have apprehension because the baby misses some things while being carried facing the carrier.

The best position is facing the carrier

The best position for babies is the one they adopt when they are with their faces turned towards the person carrying the baby, that is, in riding position, with their legs bent and somewhat apart. It is also said that it is the frog position, with the knees a little higher than the level of the culete, but with the legs open.

Looking to the world: better not

When the baby carrier is facing the outside, it does not hold the baby in the same way, in fact, it is impossible to put on like a frog in this way, but it is more stretched, with the legs in extension because of its own weight, being able to So damage the hip joint.

In this way, in addition, the back is not in an anatomical position (ideally, the back forms a C, as in the fetal position), but in some cases it becomes even inverted, with the spine forced forward.

Another handicap is that the baby's weight falls on his perineum, that is, on his crotch, which is not exactly the area most prepared to support several kilos. Facing the mother or father and in a frog position, the weight is supported by the culete and legs, as if the baby were sitting in a chair but with the legs open (in fact they are sitting).

The guy in the picture sounds to me

Well, if that cenutrio sounds to me, as I am myself with my first child, both happier than some castanets. I am happy to carry a backpack fashion Even though my shoulders were shattered, my son was happy to be looking at the world (although many babies live it differently, because when they look outside they don't look at their caregiver and they get more stressed) and of course I was ignoring that I was taking him improperly and receiving more than one kick in my noble parts (legs hang, happiness overflows and heels that go).

Luckily for both of us and luckily for the mother, we discover afterwards the Ergo or Manduca type backpacks, which distribute the weight so that most of it is carried by the wearer's waist (much more comfortable than carrying the shoulders) and that only allow babies to be placed facing the father or mother, because of the width of the fabric it becomes unfeasible to try to carry the baby in another way.

If you want to know more about it (and you know German or you want to play it with the Google translator) you can read the original article here.

Video: Impossible Challenge : How to calm babies in 5 seconds? (July 2024).