"My God, what have I done with my life!": Quiet Eva Gonzalez, all first time mothers have asked ourselves

The model and presenter of 'Masterchef' Eva Gonzalez She has been a mother seven weeks ago of her first child, Cayetano Rivera, and in an event she attended yesterday she talked about how motherhood has changed her life. It has been sincere and clarified that not everything is perfect in this new stage as a mom.

By becoming mothers for the first time, we have all had that feeling of "Where has my previous life been? Where has my 'I' been before being a mother?. It is normal that both Eva and all new mothers live this phase of adaptation to their new role in which not everything is a path of roses.

"Whoever says that in motherhood everything is perfect and beautiful, lies"

So is. There are precious moments, but others very hard in motherhood. When you are a mother for the first time your life turns 180 degrees and you have to adapt gradually to your new role.

In addition to fatigue, sleepless nights and being all day (and night) with the baby to the breast (if you are breastfeeding), you do not have time to eat and you are overwhelmed by every little thing that happens to the baby, affecting Many times your confidence and your self-esteem.

"There are moments that are precious and others, with a baby, that are quite stressful. The baby has to adapt to the world, and you have to adapt to it."

Eva says she understands Samantha Villar when she was criticized for saying that as a mother she lost quality of life. He winked at the journalist who has raised a stir in the networks:

"Now I understand Samantha Villar that time she was so criticized. I think it was not fair, because it is so. There are times when you think: 'My God, what have I done with my life'. But obviously, the child smiles at you and your soul melts and has compensated you for all of the above. But it is a very big change in life, like when you change jobs or there is any change in your life. I think all women, and men, should count motherhood or fatherhood as it is. "

Comments were not missing for his quick return to work to present the spring-summer collection of a fashion firm. In this regard, he commented that the decisions of all mothers are respectable:

"Everyone lives their reinstatement as they want and can. And it is so respectable that they can afford to stay at home for a year like the one who has their maternity leave four months, as who rejoins a month."

"It's also not as good as they paint it"

But mother of my life, where new mothers are informed!. Of course, not everything is so good. Who has painted everything beautiful ?. A newborn baby does not sleep all night from the pull, and is an absolutely dependent being who needs care twenty-four hours. Your life is never the same as before. This is known by anyone who has more or less been informed about how to care for a baby. But there is also one certain thing: until you live it, you don't take true dimension of how much that little being will change your life.

However, everything tired and difficult motherhood has, it is also wonderful. It is a transformative and special experience that many women even repeat. Even the presenter doesn't rule it out. When asked if he wants to be a mother again, he replies: "If I get as cute and as good as Cayetano, I do."

Photos | GTres
In Babies and more | Samanta Villar re-creates debate by saying that if she had been told what motherhood is like, she would have said no, Samantha Villar shows the hidden face of motherhood and this is what the networks respond Three basic tips for new mothers who will make life more easy with the baby

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