The magical effect of the kangaroo method

For some time now we have been talking about the benefits of the kangaroo method for the care and treatment of premature babies. It is not a novelty that is as beneficial for babies as for mothers, who claim to live a wonderful experience by having their child glued to the chest when they could barely touch it every three hours through the incubator.

One of the magical effects generated by the practice of the kangaroo method is that mothers who at first are reluctant to practice it, seeing the happiness of other mothers to be in skin-to-skin contact with their babies also feel the need to try it. And the same feeling intoxicates them, which undoubtedly has an impact on the benefit of the baby.

This is what is happening, for example in the Miguel Servet Hospital and the Barbastro Hospital in Aragon, where they have begun to implement the kangaroo method that is being extended among mothers whose babies are admitted. They say that "if you do it and see how well you are, others imitate you and little by little, we will do it all."

The parents of premature babies can feel protagonists in the recovery of their babies, feed them with breastfeeding and fulfill the function of a human incubator, which alternates with the traditional incubator.

The origins of the method are very curious. He was born in a town in Colombia, where due to a shortage of incubators, it occurred to a couple of doctors that the mother's warmth could be beneficial to regulate the body temperature of the babies. And they were not wrong.

Over the years, research has shown that the kangaroo method reduces apnea and infections, promotes motor development, the baby gains weight, better regulates the temperature and helps relieve the pain of medical interventions. Thanks to all this, the hospital stay is also shortened because the recovery of the baby is faster.

Its advantages have made the kangaroo mother method begin to spread through many maternities around the world in which we can now see “newborn positions” in which next to the incubator there is a comfortable chair (sometimes not so comfortable) in which The mother (also the father, but more the mother for breastfeeding) can stay as long as she wants to “babysit” with the baby.

Video: #BornTooSoon Kangaroo Mother Care Saves Preterm Babies (July 2024).