Music for the baby

Several studies have demonstrated the power of music over future newborns. They also ensure that babies remember the melodies they have heard inside the womb, at least during the first year, and associate the melody with a period of peace and quiet.

It is known that from the 20th week of pregnancy, the baby is able to hear, so it is also recommended to speak to him, because although he does not understand the meaning of the words, he captures the tone, the musicality and the intention of the phrases as a Reflecting emotions, this familiar sound acts as a reassuring reference.

Music is one of the best channels to connect with our baby, no matter the style of music we listen to, it can be classical, pop ... the important thing is that we like it and make us feel good. It remains to be known, if music stimulates the baby's intelligence, or if a certain type of music will make her have a predilection for her in the future or provide her with some musical ability.

What we should take advantage of is the communicative potential it offers us and spend some time a day listening to music, letting ourselves be carried away by soft movements of our body when we listen to it, humming the songs or singing them will help the baby perceive our mood And get infected. The quality of our voice does not matter, but the emotion it contains.

Video: 2 Hours Super Relaxing Baby Music Bedtime Lullaby For Sweet Dreams Sleep Music (July 2024).