Decalogue of the storyteller (video)

Telling stories is an art. Anyone can do it, but with a little practice and desire, we are sure to become excellent storytellers for our children. If we want to delve a little deeper into the technique and spirit of this skill, here is a video of the Decalogue of the Storyteller: the top ten points to be a good storyteller.

Telling stories is an excellent resource for reading and oral development animation for parents, teachers, storytellers, socio-cultural animators ... We as parents, who know the importance of reading and oral narration for children, we love to give drama to the reading, putting ourselves in the shoes of the different characters ... and I think that some of the magic of reading is transmitted to the little ones.

The Storyteller Decalogue It is brought to us by Beatriz Montero, writer and storyteller who has given workshops in centers of the Cervantes Institute.

  • Believe yourself the best narrator in the world.
  • Read and read a lot, reading enriches us with ideas, expands imagination and vocabulary ...
  • Ridiculous does not exist, fear of ridicule prevents us from moving forward.
  • Enjoy the story, relax the body letting emotions surface.
  • Use the body to express yourself, gestures also speak for you.
  • Use a simple and colloquial language, the more natural your language, the better.
  • Don't say it: show it. You have to create with words an image that the listener can form in your mind.
  • Chew the words, take your time, pause, breathe, pronounce the syllables clearly ...
  • If you don't like a story, don't tell it, you have to get excited or surprise yourself. There are many stories waiting to be told.
  • Lie, invent, always dream: everyday reality is boring.

Do you dare to do a little better storytelling? We remind you of the universal declaration of children's rights to listen to stories and hope that this storyteller decalogue Take you to the story or your children's favorite book to tell them again.

Video | Youtube
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