Pharyngeal smear for throat control

There is a bacterium that is responsible for tonsillitis and pharyngitis that suffer large and small and to identify the bacteria responsible for these inflammations, doctors use a simple test called pharyngeal smear.

He pharyngeal smear It is an important test to diagnose and treat with great precision the infections that cause sore throats, it can also prevent the transmission of these diseases from one child to another, such as in daycare centers.

The technique consists in extracting a sample of the pharyngeal secretion from the throat of the child, using a stick similar to those used to clean the ears but with greater length. This stick has a cotton ball on the tip that comes into contact with the angina. In this way they obtain the sample and proceed to the analysis to verify that the child is free of the bacteria that causes the disease or, on the contrary, is in his organism. Usually the doctor always asks for the help of parents to perform this test, the help is to take the child in his arms so that he feels more secure and at the same time also to hold his arms and head.

This bacterium is streptoccocus pyogenes and is responsible for most throat infections, especially those corresponding to the months of October and March. The bacteria in question, is also responsible for numerous diseases.

There are a lot of viruses and bacteria that stalk us at all times and avoiding them is quite difficult, but thanks to prevention and protection measures we can be a little quieter every day with respect to the well-being of our little one.

Video: Nasal Throat Swab (July 2024).