Legumes, a great source of protein for our children

Since childhood we have been told that it is necessary to eat legumes, at least two or three times a week, that they are a source of energy and protein, and that they are very good. Now that we are adults, we may see it more clearly and think like our parents. Sincerely, for our part we have found a thousand and one elaborations to enjoy a healthy food.

Since there are many cases in which children do not like legumes (it seems to be a rule), we must also show it to them, as there are many reasons why the consumption of legumes is beneficial.

As we have already mentioned, legumes provide us with vegetable proteins, if they are dry, 20%, if they are cooked half, but being a food poor in essential amino acids, such as cistern or methionine, it is convenient to consume them with seeds or cereals, hence the plate of lentils with rice, which Although we like it little, it shows that our elders knew a lot. Vegetable proteins have an advantage of animals, and they generate less metabolic waste, so they saturate the liver and kidneys less. If we are going to make cereals with legumes, we must consider the right proportion, three to one.

Contrary to what many people think, legumes do not get fat (perhaps with what they cook), because their high carbohydrate content of slow absorption produces a slow release of glucose and the energy provided lasts longer.

The low fat that legumes have is healthy, which together with the soluble fiber it has, helps regulate cholesterol. Insoluble fiber regulates intestinal transit, but sometimes it can cause heavy digestion and flatulence, but to avoid or appease these problems, spices such as cumin, fennel or savory can be cooked.

Iron, potassium, magnesium, zinc and even calcium, are the minerals that legumes give us, in the case of iron, very useful if you are thinking of getting pregnant, it must be combined with vitamin C to take better advantage of it, so it is good to serve them with green leafy vegetables, red pepper, etc.

Both in winter with spoon, and in summer in salad, legumes are a staple of the Mediterranean diet that will help us be healthy.

Video: Vegetarian Nutrition. Getting Enough Protein. Ask the Doctor (July 2024).