Baby swimming: parents enjoy it as much as they do

A month and a half ago I go with my 20-month-old baby to Aquababy classes, that is, swimming for babies biweekly.

Last year around this same time, when I was eight months old, we also attended some classes where he made contact with the water for the first time, made his first dives, sat down from the edge of the pool ...

This year, we returned to class as if time had not passed and has already made great progress. Dive alone, pull the edge of the foot and has begun to make small displacements underwater.

Pride and slug from mother to part, I must say that I recommend all parents to make a small gap of half an hour per week to enjoy with their children such a wonderful time. During the practice of swimming, a very close emotional bond is established between the baby and the mother (the father or whoever accompanies him). Seeing your face under water while approaching you is priceless. It is something that no parent should miss.

Also, as some of you will know, I am waiting for my second baby (see my pregnancy diary posts), which is why the one who is on the way also has a good time in the water. And the mother does not even speak. The gut does not weigh, the movements in the water reinforce the heart, the lungs and activate the circulation releasing the heaviness of the body.

Mine is a bargain. Payment for one and benefit to three.

Video: Swimming lessons for babies make a splash (July 2024).