Migraines in pregnancy can cause hypertension and health complications for the baby

Low birth weight, premature delivery, cesarean delivery, respiratory distress syndrome and febrile seizures are Some of the adverse effects that migraine can cause to the baby when the mother suffers migraines, in addition to hypertension.

These are the conclusions of a study of the University Hospital of Aarhus (Denmark), published in the magazine 'Headache'.

In Babies and more Migraines in pregnancy: what can you do before one of the worst headaches

The research entitled 'Neurological results of pregnancy, birth, neonatal and postnatal after pregnancy with migraine', studied 22,841 pregnant women suffering from migraines (16,861 already with children) and 228,324 matching pregnancies in age and year of conception, of women without migraines ( 170,334 with children).

The results concluded that it is the migraine itself, and not the treatment to mitigate its effects, which causes complications in pregnancy.

According to the main author, Nils Skajaa, of the Department of Clinical Epidemiology of the University Hospital of Aarhus:

Migraine, linked to major complications during pregnancy

"Migraine is a disabling condition, common among women of reproductive age. Evidence shows that migraine in pregnancy can lead to adverse complications for the mother and child, but treatment can reduce these risks."

The worst headache, also in pregnancy

According to a literature review on migraine and pregnancy, Migraine is the most common neurological problem during pregnancy, although the intensity can vary between each woman.

Between 60% and 70% of women suffering from migraine significantly improve their symptoms during pregnancy due to the absence of estrogen fluctuations.

But there are 30% of pregnant women who do not feel improvement in migraine episodes, and even 5% of them detail a worsening.

In Babies and more Migraines in pregnancy increase the risk of vascular accidents

And it is that migraine is one of the worst headaches we can experience. Many times it is so intense that it prevents daily activities from being carried out normally. And to that we must add associated discomforts such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting and fatigue.

There are some medications that can be taken in the specific case of migraines in pregnancy and that can only be prescribed by the doctor. You should never follow the pre-pregnancy treatment without consulting the specialist, to avoid possible malformations in the baby.

Therefore, this study is good news for those mothers who suffer from these severe headaches during pregnancy, because it seems that it is the migraine itself that causes side effects, not the treatment to combat it.

Video: Warning Signs - Headaches During Pregnancy (July 2024).