Sore throat in children

He sore throat usually appears in small With the change of season, the transition from summer to autumn leads to temperature changes and children are the ones who notice it most.

Before a sore throat of your child it is convenient to go to the pediatrician, the pain can be caused by a viral or bacterial infection, depending on the type it will be a more or less severe infection. We should not administer antibiotics on our own to the little one, since by providing inadequate and unnecessary antibiotics to treat the problem, what we get is that the microorganisms are strengthened and become much more difficult to fight by prolonging the pathology for several days.

This reminds us of a funny ad that was on television where everyone dressed as a doctor and everyone was treated as such, every doctor who appeared in the ad recommended this or that pill. The purpose of the announcement was very clear, nobody but the specialists are the most suitable to prescribe one or another medicine. A sore throat can be of viral origin, so antibiotics are not effective because they are designed for bacteria. In addition, an infection of this type is always milder, just check the symptoms. The fever usually goes down after a few hours if it appears, if we look at the throat of the child we will see that he suffers only a redness and in general it could be said that the condition of the child is quite acceptable.

When the pain is caused by a bacterial infection, the observation of the tonsils will indicate that it is serious, since pus plates almost always appear, the child hurts every time he swallows and the fever is quite high unlike the symptoms of viral infection.

Before an infection, you must always go to the pediatrician to take appropriate measures, a bacterial infection, depending on the type, can cause serious complications in different organs and this will never occur with a proper diagnosis and on time.

Do not want to be a doctor and do not hesitate, the most appropriate decision is to take him to the specialist, for something we pay social security and they are the ones who should help you recover your child's health.

Video: Strep Throat - Akron Children's Hospital video (June 2024).