Two-year-olds are better imitators than monkeys according to study

I just came across a story that says that according to a scientific study, conducted in Germany two-year-old children are better imitators than chimpanzees and orangutans, known for mimicking the behaviors of human beings.

According to the experiments between two groups of monkeys of different species and a third group of young children, the three groups showed a similar ability to find hidden objects. But in regards to understanding and communication the children were superior.

The experiment by which they reach the previous conclusion was the following: "An adult demonstrated how to remove food from a transparent tube by simply opening it at one end, the children imitated the action immediately, but the monkeys failed in their attempts to understand the exercise."

According to the scientists, the result is to show the millions of years that separate both species in terms of evolution.

The truth is that the result does not seem very surprising, because young children can truly be experts when imitating the elderly.

Via and photo | BBC World

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