Letter to me before being a mother: everything will be fine

As the mother of a four-year-old girl, I know there is no book, blog or website in the world that prepares you 100% to be a mother or father. We can read and learn about various topics of motherhood, but at the moment of truth, the practice can be very different than theory.

Before I had my daughter, there were many things about motherhood that worried me or that I had many doubts about. Today I realize that in the end I did not go wrong and therefore, and Thinking of all those future mothers who are going through the place where I once found myself, I share a letter to my self before being a mother.

Letter to me before being a mother

Dear me,

I know that your plans are to have children and it makes you excited to live the whole experience of pregnancy, childbirth and raising a baby. Now maybe all those plans feel very distant, but when you become a mother, you will realize that time passes at a different speed when you have a baby in your arms.

Surely at this time you have many doubts, because you have never had a baby in your care 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. One tip I can give you: take advantage now and read a lot. Read everything you can, about the big and small issues of motherhood.

Being an informed woman from before the birth of your children will make a big difference. While it is true that you will not be able to cover all issues, or unexpected situations will arise, preparing you not only for pregnancy, but also for parenting and care will make everything easier. And calm, what being a mother is also learning on the go.

Perhaps through your mind passes that question we all ask ourselves at some point: Can i be a good mother? It is normal to ask this. In fact, you will ask yourself that question many other times since you have your baby, and you will continue to ask it over the years.

Nobody said it would be easy, and with this I do not intend to scare you, but quite the opposite. I want you to understand that sometimes motherhood can feel like a roller coaster: there will be good days and others that are not so much. But enjoy the ride, try to relax and don't be so hard on yourself.

What is said is true: motherhood is a very demanding job, but it is also the one that gives you the most rewards and happiness. There is nothing that equals a smile, a tender caress or a kiss from your son. It's those little things that have a huge impact.

Returning to the issue of time, you will find that it becomes even more relative. There will be days that will be slow and exhausting, but you will also have days when you will be so happy that you will want the hours to go by slowly. And something very curious will also happen: you will live moments in which you will feel that time stops completely and nothing else in the world matters.

And since we are in this whole time issue, you will notice later that your notion of "free time" will change greatly. Moments will arise when you want to have it, and you should never feel guilty for wanting it. Don't forget that Besides being a mother, you are also a woman And part of being a good mother is also taking care of yourself.

Do not be scared by all the changes you will experience in your life and in your body. You will go through a transformation of body, mind and spirit that may be quite confusing at the beginning, but little by little you will adapt to that new and improved version of yourself.

Life, as you know it, will cease to exist. Now you probably have trouble imagining how everything will be when you are a mother, but then until it will be almost impossible for you to remember what your life was like before you had your children and you cannot imagine without them.

Enjoy every moment, do not hurry and take everything you can from your children, because yes, sometimes it will be they who teach us lessons and not vice versa. I guarantee you that In the end, everything will be fine.

Photos | Pexels, iStock
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