A German restaurant prohibits the entrance to minors at dinner time: the controversy about children-free sites returns

Children-free sites, or adults-only tourism is always controversial. On the one hand, those who consider appropriate prohibit the entry of minors in order to guarantee a space of tranquility and silence for customers On the other, those who believe that children have the same right as adults to enjoy leisure or restoration.

The last establishment to join the "adults only" fashion has been a German restaurant called Oma's Kuche, whose owner has prohibited entry to children under 14 at dinner time, to assure its guests a time of peace.

After 11 years of observation, he considers that "parents ignore their children"

A few days ago, Rudolf Markl, owner of the hotel-restaurant Oma's Kuche, explained in an interview to a local media why has prohibited entry to those under 14 from 17:00, at which time dinners begin to be served.

The man says that "He loves children when they know how to behave", and that for that reason has not completely prohibited them from entering. But after many years of observing his clients, he concluded that many parents completely disregard their children when they go to a restaurant, and end up leaving their attention and education to local workers.

He states in the interview that there came a time when the scenes he saw made him make this decision:

"There were napkins thrown on the floor, and spilled wine. Sometimes we have found food thrown at the table next door. There are situations that have come so far, that some affected customers have ended up leaving early because they could not stand the wild performance of the children. But worst of all, some parents did nothing about it when the service staff filled their attention. "

"Our job is not to educate children, but to provide our customers a good time with delicious food and drinks"

The restaurant opened in 2007 and is located on the tourist island of Rügen, on the banks of the Baltic Sea. Though the hospitality association in the region has not shown much agreement with the measure adopted, recalled that employers are free to exercise their right of admission.

"We have received many positive comments. Our guests are not only tourists, but also people who work on the island and want to rest after a day's work. I do not understand that there are people who protest, because there are more than 300 restaurants on this island" - says Rudolph who also believes that with his measure he has paved the way for other establishment owners They have been trying to do the same for some time without daring to take the plunge.

Tourism and children-free sites

On the restaurant's Facebook page we can read a variety of opinions regarding this measure, although most seem to be favorable and praise the fact of having a free space for children to taste their food in peace.

As we have seen on other occasions, this type of controversy is not something new and it is common to find clients who complain about the performance of children who run, jump, and roam freely for the locals, disturbing the rest of the people.

To respond to these complaints and demands a few years ago the concept of tourism "adults only" was born, with trips and hotels that prohibit the entry of minors and assures its clients vacations or moments of relaxation, tranquility and disconnection away from children.

But not only do we talk about certain restaurants or hotels, we have also met airlines, towns or people who opt for celebrations where children are not welcome.

Not all children bother, nor is the fault of the children

But Not all customers have praised the restaurant's decision, like, luckily, not all people think that children bother.

And it is unfair to assume that children, simply because they are, will scream, annoy or not know how to behave.

It is true that by their nature, children are restless, curious, spontaneous, vital ... But we must not forget that they are people in formation, that are not born with an Off button that we can turn off when they have a bad day or enter a tantrum, or with a wheel to adjust the volume of their voice. Nor do they reach the world with the rules of coexistence engraved in their brain, so it is the mission of parents to educate them in respect for others.

And, as in any other aspect of parenting, we find responsible and respectful parents who educate their children and care about them and their actions, and others who do not. But with adults the same thing happens, and if not, that raise your hand who has never encountered a rude and disrespectful adult with the rest.

To prohibit the entry of minors is to put all children in the same bag, in addition to unfairly blaming them. Is label, catalog and discriminate based on age. We should all have the same rights, and do what is in our hands so that the coexistence between people be as pleasant and respectful as possible, without prohibiting or censoring. What do you think about it?

Via Antena 3

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