The tender message of "La Roca" about spending time with our children, no matter how tired we are

Childhood is a very short and beautiful stage, which gives off thousands of moments that will remain forever in our hearts and those of our children. If motherhood has taught me anything, it is that time is truly relative, and this time flies when we have children.

And now, it is the actor Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson, who shares with us a tender and funny reminder of how quickly time passes, and He explains why, despite feeling exhausted, he always takes time to play and be with his children.

A cool dad

It is not the first time that "La Roca" shares a little publicly about his paternal side. The famous Hollywood actor shared a few months ago a scene that amazed us: feeding his wife while she breastfed their baby.

In addition to looking like a very tender image and full of love and dedication, it is without a doubt an example of how dad can get involved in breastfeeding and of the things we can do to support the breastfeeding mother.

Ill handle this business Mama @laurenhashianofficial has her hands full nursingfeeding Baby Tia, so Im feedin mama her dinner. My pleasure So much respect to her and all mamas out there holding it down and running things. Just landed and good to get all my girls settled in. Now, I gotta go satisfy my own appetite ... Iron Paradise, here I come. #EveryoneGetsFed #DaddysGottaGoToWork #ChivalryIsToughOnTheKnees

Even if you are tired, you always have to make time for the children

Now, "La Roca" shares a little about his experience as a father, but this time it is a small and tender moment that he lived one morning next to his 2 year old daughter Jasmine.

In his Instagram account, the actor shared a photograph in which he appears with his daughter Jasmine in his arms, whom he affectionately calls "tornado" and He explains why, despite feeling exhausted from his work and getting little rest, he always has time to play with her.

Working late and had only 3hrs sleep when this tornado busts in our bedroom, jumps on me and pleads with me to get up and take her to my closet (she keeps toys in my closet) to play. We get there and then - surprise - she refuses to play and just wants me to hold her while she makes fart noises Tired as all hell, but thought ehh theres gonna come a time, years from now when jumping in my arms is the last thing she wants to do and aint gonna be cool anymore so Ill always take these moments while I can. Somewhere @ kevinhart4real is crying and wishes he was her.

I had worked late and only slept three hours, when suddenly this tornado enters the room, jumps over me and asks me to get up and take her to my closet to play (she keeps some toys inside him). We get there and surprise, he refuses to play and just wants me to hold her in my arms while she does pedreretas with her mouth. Tired of exhaustion, but I think: well, there will come a time, to many years today, when jumping in my arms will be the last thing she will want to do and I will no longer be fun, so as long as I can, I will always take advantage of these moments.

The publication of the actor has stolen the hearts of many, because it is not only a tender moment between father and daughter, but also, it is one with which many can identify and that summarizes in a single image some aspects that we live when we have children.

Starting with the fact of the incredible patience we develop when we become fathers and mothers, because maybe for other things we would not love to be awakened and then change plans, but when it comes to those adorable eyes and little voice, we are able to access everything.

In Babies and more The importance of sharing time with our children

Also, I like that it highlights something that happens to us all but what little is said: how exhausted we can feel, and despite that, we have the super power to get energy to take care of, play and spend time our children.

But without a doubt what I loved the most and made me laugh, is that comment as a joke and resignation, in which he admits that his daughter will not always think that dad is funny and the day will come when playing with him will not seem very attractive to do.

Childhood flies by

The truth of the publication of "The Rock", and that surely as I noticed how much you had children, is that childhood is a flying stage. Before having my daughter I felt that the days went by slowly and I had all the time in the world.

Now, even though I'm not in a hurry to do things, what I do see is that she is growing rapidly, learning new things every day and in a few years it will stop being that sweet and tender girl who wants to be stuck to mom all the time.

In Babies and more A mother reminds us that the memories our children will have will be of the moments we spend with them

Publications like this remind us that our children will be small only once, and those first years are key for adults that will be tomorrow and the relationship we will have with them in the future.

So, no matter how tired we are or more worries we have, let's do our best to always be available to them. It is very important for them to have us now that they are small, let's not miss this valuable opportunity and always see the positive side, even in the "difficult" stages.

Video: With All the Feeling of a Tender Parent: A Message of Hope to Families (July 2024).