Decriminalizing abortion in Portugal, is it a solution or not?

The inhabitants of Portugal have been summoned to a referendum where it will be decided whether or not voluntary abortion is decriminalized until the tenth week of pregnancy. Until now this practice was punishable by Portuguese justice with prison.

¿Whether or not to decriminalize abortion?, the fact that it is penalized causes the increase in clandestine abortions and therefore the possible risks to women's health, since in many cases these abortions are performed without a hygienic guarantee or treatments that allow a normal development. On the other hand, it is encouraged to be a business for many unscrupulous people and with the vision set on the economic factor.

We are not in favor of abortion in any case, there are always exceptions, in fact there are sufficient measures in the market so that a woman does not get pregnant if she does not want to, but something must be done to avoid clandestine abortions, apparently they are not enough the legal exceptions that Portuguese laws have, where they only allow abortion in the case of a serious risk to the future mother, a certain malformation in the fetus or a pregnancy resulting from rape. According to the news of the publication of El País, thousands of clandestine abortions end up in Portuguese public hospitals because of the bad practice of those who have performed it, without a doubt, it is a clear risk for thousands of women who only see abortion as a way out to a problem Opting for clandestine abortion does not compensate at all, in addition, if the baby is not within the exceptions mentioned above, it should not be performed.

Decriminalizing abortion could be the solution ?, surely yes, to eliminate the problem of clandestine abortions, but to eliminate, at least in part, the abortive wishes of some women, governments should also offer the necessary help by giving them an alternative to the future moms so that they can raise and educate that child, perhaps in this way many women would not abort and would be carried away by the feeling of being able to take that little boy forward.

Another issue is information and teaching about sex education, more emphasis should be placed on this issue, if we limit details in the end we can verify that abortion will descend.

Prohibit is not the solution, help, support or inform, will be the options that reduce abortion.

Video: Legalizing Drugs Decreases Use - Proof In Portugal, Netherlands (July 2024).