Pediatricians in danger of extinction: "Save Pediatrics!"

Save the Pediatrics! It is a campaign of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics to raise awareness about the value of pediatric care and of pediatrics as an integral medical discipline that studies the whole child.

A call for attention to both health professionals and the general population that falls within the framework of the 59th Congress of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics that has been held these days.

In an ingenious way, the campaign-contest proposes both pediatricians and health professionals and citizens in general to leave a message to promote their idea of ​​saving pediatrics, doing so as if pediatricians were a rare species in extinction That deserves to be preserved.

We want to denounce the deficit of medical personnel, the structural problems of the health system, the lack of recognition of pediatric specialties and other training issues that represent threats to the professional future and to the quality of care provided to children.

Thus, the role played by Pediatrics in the health system is claimed and a space is offered for all those who want to support with their testimony a message in defense of this medical specialty.

In the future, in some Spanish Communities, as in many countries of the world, children may not be treated by pediatricians but by family doctors, which in my view implies a reversal in medical care by a generalization.

Not only should specialized children's medical care not be compromised, but they should improve the working conditions and training of pediatricians, which are not always carried out in the most desirable way.

The videos, 20 seconds long and with a jungle background, are simple, casual, some fun, some witty, and there are those who have no qualms about dressing up as an explorer to vindicate the profession of pediatricians in this campaign "Save Pediatrics!".

Official Site | Pharmaimage In Babies and more | Spanish pediatricians care for more children than recommended, Pediatricians in Spain are missing, The Asturian Association of Primary Care Pediatrics, requests improvements to adequately care for children

Video: Park City Medical Center - Pediatrics (July 2024).