Biracial couples invest more time and money in their children

This type of data is usually in my view, quite general and unhelpful.

But perhaps it is curious to know that couples of parents formed by people of different race, also called "biracial", they dedicate more time and money to the care of their children than couples where both are of the same race.

What is interesting to know is the background of the news, why.

According to Brian Powell of the Bloomington University of Indiana, author of the study, this greater dedication of parents to children has its explanation.

He points out that they try in some way to compensate their children for the social prejudices they face.

He says something very curious to reflect. It is a sample of what happens when the family does not meet the standards of a "type family."

When parents are older, they are labeled as selfish, when they are adoptive, they are believed not to have the same connection with their children. In the case of interracial parents, it is believed that they ignore the challenges that their children must overcome.

I think that more effective than compensating is to make children understand that they are not different from others. It is a profound task that concerns all parents to educate our children in tolerance.

Video: Killer Mike On Interracial Marriage, Public Vs. Private Education, 'Trigger Warning' + More (July 2024).