Extreme vegetable hygiene

Summer is a time when we change our diet, we feel lighter and more refreshing dishes, the amount of fruits and vegetables that are on the market are tempting, in addition, being pregnant, looking forward to healthy eating and loaded with vegetables with the intention of relieving heat and providing nutrients to our baby, but you should not neglect the hygiene and handling of food.

During pregnancy there are more risks of getting toxiinfections that can affect the health of the future baby, we have already talked about toxoplasmosis and listeriosis, but the summer heat is an ally of the growth of pathogenic bacteria thus expanding possible food poisoning and infections. The consumption of fruits or vegetables that have not been properly washed and disinfected, are foci of infections and intoxications due to their content in pathogenic microorganisms. This should not deprive us of eating salads or other fresh vegetables during pregnancy, as they are really necessary, only that extreme precautions in handling and hygiene should be taken.

In the market we find “food bleach” to wash the vegetables by disinfecting them, then we must rinse them thoroughly under running water. It is even recommended to soak them with the disinfectant for about 10 minutes for a better guarantee of food disinfection. We've also known CuisineClean, a vegetable washing machine that looks good.

But we must also know that it is equally important to take care of the hygiene of the kitchen utensils we use, knives, cutting boards, dishes and everything that comes in contact with raw food.

Enjoy refreshing and nutritious dishes without taking risks, it's easy and

Video: 4 Healthy Vegan Recipes For Weight Loss (July 2024).