Comic: "Guide for desperately inexperienced parents"

I love La Parejita S.A., who decides to live in common as a common-law couple and show us his adventures and misadventures by the artist Manel Fontdevila. Lola already brought us some vignettes starring such nice characters that gave a touch of humor to a family scene for many parents ...

And, this couple is not surprising. The most everyday situations they pass before our eyes, always with a humorous and sometimes ironic vision of our own failures, worries and learning. We have seen the evolution of the protagonists, Mauricio and Emilia, for 13 years, until it arrived the pregnancy and the birth of his son Oscar.

Now appears "Guide for desperately inexperienced parents", an album that collects the experiences of the protagonists among diapers, carriages, cries and bibs. It was his creator's own experience as a father who encouraged him to give a child to the Couple.

New worries but also new joys are what move the protagonists now, and in the end each one continues with his hobbies and oddities.

Nothing like a guide to use. Only (and so much) everyday, real experiences, narrated without taboos and with self-confidence that many of us will be familiar with and probably we feel identified and we laugh many times.

Video: Baby Sans and Dadster Undertale Comic Dub Compilation (June 2024).