The Prime Minister of New Zealand takes her baby to the UN, accompanied by her father: an example of leadership and conciliation

We already talk about Jacinta Jarden when her firstborn was born, since she became a mother while already in office.

Now, the prime minister of New Zealand it is news again when enjoying teasing her three-month-old baby at the UN General Assembly.

What also shows the photo is the father of little Neve, Clarke Gayford, TV presenter and who is mostly responsible for the care of the child. Again, they are a example of family reconciliation.

The fact that NZ Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has taken baby Neve to a #UnitedNations General Assembly meeting has significantly championed the #workingmother cause. Thank you @jacindaardern //

- Alex Merton-McCann (@Cybermum_AU) September 25, 2018

The first baby of the UN

Clarke Gayford posted on his Twitter account the diplomatic identification of little Neve "New Zealand's first baby". In his comments he adds:

"I wish I could have caught the look of surprise from a Japanese delegation within the UN yesterday who entered a meeting room in the middle of a diaper change."

Because everyone on twitter's been asking to see Neve's UN id, staff here whipped one up.
I wish I could have captured the startled look on a Japanese delegation inside UN yesterday who walked into a meeting room in the middle of a nappy change.
Great yarn for her 21st.

- Clarke Gayford (@NZClarke) September 24, 2018

Jacinta Ardern became prime minister in October, three months after taking the leadership of a Labor Party, with only 37 years, and took a maternity leave of six weeks.

But the leader is an icon in the defense of the rights of women and sexism, even before being a mother.

In Babies and more Reconciliation of work and family life: a long way to go

Now this week, at the United Nations summit, known as "for the Peace of Nelson Mandela", the mother is seen playing with her son, while waiting for his intervention. And while she spoke to the rest of the world leaders, it was her partner, Clarke Gayford, who took care of the little girl.

In fact, the whole family traveled to the United States and it is the father who is in charge of caring for his daughter while the mother governs her country, since she has asked for a work leave.

In Babies and more Paternity benefits exceed maternity benefits for the first time

The media spread the presence of the couple and their daughter in social networks.

Here's a much better picture of New Zealand PM Jacinda Ardern and her family at the UN

- Steven D'Souza (@cbcsteve) September 24, 2018

Hopefully these situations cease to be an exception and begin to be something habitual. Because you can be a leading woman and a wonderful mother. And even better if the father is involved in the care of the children naturally, because fatherhood is a matter of two and as I once heard the Prime Minister of New Zealand in an interview that was done on a television show: "It is intolerable that someone asks you if you are going to have children because you want to prosper, just because you are a woman."

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Video: Jesus of Testimony (July 2024).