Women Child-free: women free of children. "Motherhood is the emotional caviar of the poor"

Few readings have produced me so much discomfort (for not using stronger words) such as the La Contra de La Vanguardia interview on March 4 to French psychoanalyst Corinne Maier, spokesperson for the Women Child-Free movement and author of the No Kids manifesto.

The interview It has no waste from the title: "You have to choose: either you have a future or you have children", until the last answer.

I had thought to select some paragraphs because it has 20 questions, but I have decided that it is more appropriate to leave it in full so that you can judge it better.

Some of the author's comments I can understand and share in part, but others are outrageous and I consider them an absolute insult, undervaluation and disrespect for mothers and fathers.

I leave you with thisbomb interview and in another post already I will revenge:

I am 44 years old and I love to grow old: today I know how to say no and do what I want, and not what I think they want me to do. France has children because it has no future. Children: permanent frustration. I was wrong and I have two. The family is the first prison of the spirit. There is more pedophilia, sexist violence and rapes within the family than outside ...

It is a point of view. And more crime, abuse and repression within the family than it was ... How much frustration, jealousy, envy is suffered under the gentle hypocrisy of the sacred family life!

Well you founded one. I was young, I was in love and, above all, I didn't know what I wanted.

And now he does? I had to face myself and long psychoanalysis sessions to realize that all my life I had been doing what I thought others wanted me to do: work in a boring but safe company; have children and husband; vote, pay taxes, have a car, pay the mortgage ... And I was very unhappy.

Now you don't do all that? I have earned myself from belonging to the small but happy club of people who do what they want ... It has cost me, but I have discovered that you can. You can too! If we all did ...

And that means not having children? That means getting out of the stupid freeway fenced by dogmas, sheep, imposed roles and repressive education that leads us to believe that if a woman decides not to have children she is selfish, sterile or lesbian or ugly, and will end up abandoned and perhaps an alcoholic in a sleazy room in the worst neighborhood of the city.

You are in a country with one of the lowest birth rates on the planet. You, the Germans and the Italians have low birth rates due to reaction to the pronatalist dictatorships of Franco, Hitler and Mussolini. On the other hand, France, although it endured the duet Hitler-General Pétain, author of the motto: "Work, family and country" ...

Listen, it sounds very current ... ... France is the most pro-baby country in Europe: every new child with increasing pensions is rewarded to you ... Which serious country in Europe has a presidential medal for motherhood? And the award-winning mom is smiling on the covers! France achieves 2.1 children per mother! In Spain they have 1.35; Germany, 1.33, and Italy, 1.31.

Here they give us baby checks. In France, in addition, you are not voted for a town hall if you are not a father ...

Even if it's Sarkozy? French voters believe that paternity provides an essential public management experience that children free for immature and selfish children lack.

And it is not like that? On the contrary: people reach paternity because before they are unable to acquire the necessary maturity to appreciate that on the planet we have plenty of human beings.

There is no one left over: genetically, no two human beings are alike. And that? Children free reach the necessary maturity to realize that humanity will survive perfectly without the precious contribution of their genetic ego. They are generous: they will ensure that there are cheaper floors, less traffic jams and less pollution.

Why do the most advanced social democracies and the most retrograde fascisms coincide in enhancing births? Because states and societies and businesses and families are built on renunciations of individual happiness. Paternity and family are the first mechanism to put people in the boxes where they need us to manipulate us.

Necessary boxes, on the other hand. Do not! We could have less frustrated and frustrating societies if each of us did what he really wants to do!

For example… My best friend was a graphic designer, but she believed that to be respected and respectable and loved, she needed children. He had two, he did not get what he earned as a designer, and now her partner and she get bored as mummies in a bank from 8 to 17 h, because children need security and fixed salaries.

Others decide not to have them ... Another great Belgian friend of mine, on the other hand, can dedicate herself to sculpture because she is free of children and lives very little. She is free and happy, does what she wants and has decided wise and joyful to be a woman without being a mother like Simone de Beauvoir, Marguerite Yourcenar, Hannah Arendt, Gloria Steinem ...

Creators ... All were great creators and accomplished women who made a conscious decision and free to be free ... Free of children!

I think I remember Katharine Hepburn ... He wanted to devote himself entirely to being an actress. Instead, today pregnancy ...

... It's the ticket office! Hollywood has them all pregnant lately ... I'm tired of seeing those covers of models and actresses wearing their bellies. It is a frivolous cult of denial of eroticism.

Can pregnancy be sexy? Kidding? You become a swollen cow that tries to cover its deformity with dresses that are like sacks ... And I will not talk about the delights of childbirth ...

Another day. Your brain shrinks and you are a walking bottle that oozes milk in the place and the most inopportune moment and you spend days and days without going out ... And all the sacrifices I imagined: children, permanent frustration. Do not be fooled.

Video: Childless: why is society so frightened of women without children? (July 2024).