Promotion of reading among deaf children

As we said, yesterday we celebrated Book Day, but in our pages we don't need it to be a special day to tell you about books for children or adults.

Or the importance of promoting reading. As in this case, which highlights that No child should grow up without reading, without stories.

The sign language narration expands access to the culture of children with hearing problems and is what the CNSE Foundation defends for the suppression of Communication Barriers with its program "Sign language, Book language".

Through this campaign to promote reading from the Foundation, it is intended to create new good readers through sign language, for deaf children who also access the magic and imagination of books.

This is an important work, since more than 400.00 people in Spain communicate in sign language. Since 2003, the CNSE Foundation seeks instruments that encourage reading among all of them, and intends to involve public institutions, educational institutions, associations and families in this commendable work.

We already realized in Babies and more of one of the fruits of this work, the publication of an interactive DVD with stories for deaf children that the Federation had edited.

They have also published several children's stories written in sign language such as "The Adventures of Pippi Longstocking", "Pepe Storytelling and other Tales" and "The Adventures of Don Quixote: Bringing Quixote to the Deaf Childhood" (the latter includes a DVD).

In addition fathers and mothers have their space with the guide "Let's Tell a Story", which provides them guidelines and guidelines to make reading easier with your deaf sons and daughters. Other guides for education professionals and for deaf associations, including a website with resources, dynamics, reflections and directions to approach the deaf community and their access to reading.

Hopefully this work will continue its upward path and receive more and more institutional support so that no children are left without access to books, stories, the magic of growing up imagining and learning.

Video: Deaf Children Master Reading (July 2024).