Homeopathy and other pseudotherapies will be prohibited in public and private health centers

If a doctor prescribes homeopathic medicines, as happened to a father who ended up denouncing the pediatrician for prescribing homeopathic throat pills, you should know how much Homeopathy like other pseudotherapies will be banned in health centers in Spain, both public and private.

In its war against pseudotherapies (including homeopathy, reiki, acupuncture, Back flowers and a hundred more), the Government has decided to launch a new "Health Protection Plan against Pseudotherapies", presented by the Minister of Health, María Luisa Carcedo, and by the Minister of Science and Universities, Pedro Duque.

According to a survey by the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology conducted in 2017 and referred by the minister:

"Almost 60 percent of the population believes that acupuncture works and that 53 percent of homeopathic products are effective. In fact, throughout 2017 more than six percent of citizens went to an acupuncture professional and almost ten percent visited a homeopath's office. "

In VitónicaAdiós to pseudotherapies in health centers: the Government will expel them from public and private hospitals

Action plan against pseudosciences

Government prohibit by Royal Decree that the pseudosciences have a place in the health centers of the country, both in the public and private spheres, as well as that doctors in the health system resort to homeopathic precepts or their products. No center may offer therapies that are not scientifically proven.

Unfortunately, in some cases the lack of information can have fatal consequences for children's health. We have known cases that should not have happened as a child ends up dying from a simple otitis treated with homeopathy, which could have been cured with medication.

In Babies and more Suspended doctor and parents investigated in the case of the Italian child treated with homeopathy who ended up dying from otitis

"Each health center has its responsibility and citizenship is also an indirect control mechanism," said the minister on how to ensure that doctors do not prescribe or use false therapies.

The Government Plan also includes the deceptive advertising control of these products, as well as remove degrees that support pseudotherapies and for which no scientific evidence is available in this regard.

Video: 2017 Breakthrough B-Lab Pitch Night (July 2024).