Industrial custards

The industrial flanges They are a dairy dessert that parents often resort to. We think, perhaps with excessive confidence towards publicity, that they are as complete and nutritious as our grandmother did to us. But this is true.

These types of industrial products usually have much more sugar than is convenient and their analysis includes preservatives, thickeners, gelling agents and dyes that are best restricted in the diet as much as possible. Although they carry milk to this protein and carbohydrates of lower nutritional quality are added.

Consumer has made a complete comparative analysis of the most common among these industrial flanges, highlighting that, although all were in proper sanitary condition and lacked transgenics, the amounts of sugar were very high and the labeling regulations were not respected in all cases.

The analysis reveals that egg custards (made up of milk, egg, sugar, caramel, thickeners, dyes and aromas) are not more natural than vanilla, which lack eggs and have more milk although they resort more to the use of additives as aromas and dyes.

The best nutritional option is always to make homemade desserts and not to use prepared products except on occasions determined by necessity. In this way we guarantee the best nutritional quality and quality-price possible, and above all, make the additives only appear in the food from late to late.

Via | Consumer In Babies and more | Three recipes for babies between nine and twelve months

Video: Cream Puffs with Custard Filling Recipe Crispy Choux Créme with Pastry Cream. Cooking with Dog (May 2024).