The justice of Barcelona supports the decision of a nursery, which denied the registration to a child who was not vaccinated

"A minority option that aims to surpass the right to health of other children and their families". With this argument, a town hall in the Maresme region of Barcelona, denied the place to a public nursery to a child who was not vaccinated.

The family denounced the facts, but now a judgment of the Administrative Contentious Court of Barcelona has given the reason to the city council. With this judicial decision, the debate on the mandatory to vaccinate children to access schools, as some countries around us already follow.

The parents appealed the right to ideological freedom not to vaccinate

On May 31, the boy's family filed a complaint in court, after the municipality of his municipality (located in the Maresme district of Barcelona), denied access to a public nursery for his son. The reason? The child was not vaccinated by the decision of his parents.

On the demand, the parents appealed the right to ideological freedom not to vaccinate, and during the trial they explained that "The harm of vaccinating the child outweighs the benefits", and presented several documents on the adverse effects of vaccines.

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The city council, during the trial, had the testimony of the head of pediatrics of the Vall d'Hebron Hospital in Barcelona, ​​Carlos Rodrigo Gonzalo de Llíria, who refuted the family's arguments, highlighting that "No public institution, government, public administration, or scientific committee or society of recognized prestige, supports the anti-vaccine thesis, but quite the opposite"

In addition, the doctor explained that "The nursery is a place of risk where you can get certain infections typical of the condition of children, who are very young and in the process of vaccination, so they are more vulnerable ".

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Parents who do not vaccinate their children, "forget the rights of others"

The sentence was issued on January 8, and the magistrate of the Administrative Contentious Court 16 of Barcelona, he gave the reason to the city council that he did not want to enroll the child, claiming that "Parents forget the rights of others, since they understand that their right to attend a daycare is superior to the right to health of other children".

In addition, the judge argued that "people who do not vaccinate, in turn take advantage of the effects of group protection that is based on the fact that 95% of the population is immunized thanks to compliance with the vaccination calendar".

Regarding the right to "ideological freedom not to vaccinate" appealed by the parents, the sentence states that there was no violation, because at no time has the family been forced to vaccinate their child, "What is mandatory with a sanctioning regime in countries of our democratic environment".

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