A flight attendant wins a trial to defend her breastfeeding

A flight attendant has won a trial to defend her breastfeeding. The mother had asked for a leave due to the impossibility of making her work shifts compatible with the breastfeeding she wanted to give her baby. For this reason he stopped charging during this time but the woman bravely decided to defend her right to breastfeed her son despite working conditions.

He decided to go to court to recognize that working with long shifts and absent from home made it impossible for him to breastfeed his baby, considering that, given the impossibility of adapting these shifts to his condition as a nursing mother, the right should prevail of his son to receive breast milk and that, therefore, as indicated by the law, he could request a withdrawal for this reason.

A judge has given her the reason, the right to give the baby the best possible feeding is above the labor obligations and she had, in fact, the right to be low during that time since the company could not relocate it in another position than if It made it possible to breastfeed.

Now the mutual he had should pay him the salary he should have received if he had not taken the leave, since this was motivated by the refusal to receive the leave.

Many women, in similar circumstances, cannot afford a leave of absence and end up giving in to the impositions of the company, since entering into a struggle to be recognized for their leave would be so long that they would end up spending the lactation time recognized by Spanish law , which only reaches nine months.

The case is important since the sentence will open the way to other mothers who do not want to give in and prefer to fight for a work leave for breastfeeding needs, citing it in their favor so that judicial cases do not take too long for the sentence to be a real solution.

What's up flight attendant has won the trial to defend her breastfeeding I consider it great news to see how, little by little, it is recognized that the right of babies to be breastfed for their best health and nutrition is above the needs of companies. Great news for moms and for children.

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