The hiccups in the newborn: everything you need to know

We all know how annoying the hiccups can be, and that is why when we see our newborn baby with hiccups we suffer from trying to help him and we doubt if it is normal for him to have so frequent, if it is something good or bad and even if there is something to do to try to relieve his discomfort.

Hiccups are very common in babies, so much so that many parents ask themselves these questions. That is why today we are going to talk about hiccups in the newbornexplaining everything you need to know.

The parents are more concerned than the baby

As I say, adults bother us a lot. The hiccups are involuntary contractions of the diaphragm, a muscle that is at the base of our lungs. The spasm that occurs also causes a rapid closure of the vocal cords, thus generating the typical "hip!" Noise, which is repeated with each contraction.

In babies is normal, is frequent and is not a sign of any pathology or disease. In fact, many pregnant women are able to realize that the baby has hiccups inside the belly by noticing rhythmic movements every so often.

Therefore, being normal, it is often said that it worries parents more than babies.

Why do they have hiccups?

The quick explanation is by immaturity, and the episodes of hiccups disappear as the baby grows. The long, due to immaturity in general, because they have a digestive and nervous system in the process of maturation that still have imbalances and that often cause hiccups to occur. This may be because the baby has eaten a lot, because when he ate he has swallowed air that he has not expelled or if he has been in a temperature drop situation, for example if we go out of the house to the street and it is colder there.

What to do in case of hiccups?

If our baby has hiccups frequently we can try to avoid the above situations, that is, avoid sudden temperature changes and feed him when he is calm and before I'm very hungry. If you are so hungry that you cry and do that by putting your hands in front of you trying to grab your chest, holding on, letting go, crying, catching again, etc., you will swallow air and are more likely to end up having hiccups even while eating.

If this happens, if you have hiccups eating, we can change your position, try to burp or help you relax a bit before continuing. Once the hiccups are gone, you can continue giving your milk. If the hiccup continued, if it didn't pass, sometimes it is controlled by eating a little more, that is, resuming the take a short time.

And if he continues with hiccups?

Let's say you've eaten and have hiccups. He wants to fall asleep, but every few seconds he jumps with his "hip!" That makes him open his eyes. Ideally, put it upright, with your head on our shoulder, as if trying to burp and do the dance that best suits us (to get you to sleep). If the hiccup does not go away when you are calm, you can give it a little more milk, in case it goes away (or if you sleep on the tit), and if it still does not go, then We return to the dance and try to sleep, even with hiccups.

I don't know about you, but the children have fallen asleep in my arms, hiccups included, and even throwing a smile between "hip!" and "hip!", of those that show that "calm down, dad, I'm so sleepy that even this won't bother me."

As I say, eventually stop having hiccups so often

Video: Hiccups. How To Get Rid Of Hiccups 2018 (July 2024).