Friends with children and friends without children

When we become parents, our life changes radically, so much so that many of the things we did before becoming parents are forgotten or temporarily parked until they can resume when children grow up.

One of them, and although it sounds something wrong, they are friends and, above all, friends without children. Something similar happens when you are 15 years old and one of your friends "takes a girlfriend." By magic it disappears. He doesn't come to play Friday's soccer games anymore, he doesn't want to come to the movies to watch action movies because he has met his girlfriend to watch a romantic (or not to see her, go to know) and he doesn't party with you because You already have other plans.

In the end you end up getting used to friends disappearing as they take a girlfriend, until you throw it away too and you all get together again because now you're from the couples club.

Well, this happens when one of your friends has a child, disappears. O well, you disappear because you have been a father. You are no longer interested in partying (nor do you probably want to), eleven o'clock at night begins to seem late and you realize that kicking a ball is something quite ridiculous and absurd if your son is not close to do it with you.

So you start to stop seeing your friends forever and make new friends whose common characteristic is the fact of being parents. You talk to them about the usual issues (football is still football still a father), but you add comments about the last children's film that has been released, how well you can have fun at the zoo, the state they are in the swings of the parks or the last book of parenting that you have read, subjects that your friends without children completely ignore.

Over time your friends without children begin to have them and, as with the girlfriends (and as with the announcement of the nougat), return home (for Christmas). Little by little you meet again to remember old times and to share new moments, within a schedule more appropriate to daytime life.

Now this is what happens because We usually think that our friends without children will get bored while being with us watching us run after our children, feed them, interrupt the conversation because you have to accompany one to the water to poop, because you have to look for wipes “that looks like you take your hands” or because you have to change the shirt “that has been put the water on, ”among other two hundred things, and on some occasion I have met a friend who has told me that he wants to see us all, that he does not mind staying when it is still day, that he thinks it is good to eat instead of have dinner and you will know how to enjoy the moment even when we have few minutes to talk.

Is it possible then the reconciliation between friends with children and friends without children? Namely. It is best to try it, if they do not call you again, you know, it was not a good idea. If they do it again, they liked it so much that they may even be thinking of becoming friends with children.

Photos | Flickr - normalityrelief, Claus Rebler

Video: How to make friends for children (July 2024).