Praise reinforces his personality

If we think about the number of times a day we scold our children versus the times we praise them for something, the difference is abysmal. Praise they are a way to show that we value them, they help improve their self-esteem and reinforce your personality.

Anyone likes the recognition and manifestation of affection behind a praise. An affectionate word, a pampering or a caress encourages improvement. For a child there is nothing more valuable than the recognition of loved ones.

Surely if we put aside so much scolding for what we consider to be wrong and we focus more on praise when they do things well we will discover a positive attitude change in our children.

Praising a child is conveyed the message that he is loved and valued. It is a positive reinforcement with a very important prize: neither sweets nor gifts, but the recognition of their parents.

However, praise should not be indiscriminate. They do not consist in telling the child all the time how good it is, but in highlighting specific things and behaviors. In this way, the little one will associate good behavior with praise and encourage him to make progress.

For example, if when the child accompanies us to make the purchase, the child is usually disobedient, he touches everything, throws himself on the floor and runs through the supermarket, when he does not do it, it is well to praise him. Tell him "Today you have behaved very well, I really liked that you did not run" It will encourage you to improve. Specifying what we approve will encourage you to do well next time too.

However, praise with conditions like "It's what you should have always done, let's see if you've finally understood" It does not encourage you to continue your good behavior.

Finally, remember that praise is a good formula for concluding a wake-up call. If you scold him for something, he ends up reminding you of the situations in which he has behaved well. It will help you to understand that although you disapprove of what he has done, you value him and love him.

Praise They are a successful way to modify behavior and help them be better. Praise helps to raise your self-esteem and therefore, reinforce your personality.

Video: Justin Epstein: Character vs Personality (July 2024).