Hearing the same story many times accelerates the acquisition of vocabulary in children

It is very common for children to ask us to read the same story over and over again until they learn it by heart, and so do we. Behind this repetition there is an important benefit for them because hearing the same story many times accelerates the acquisition of vocabulary in children.

This is stated in a study by the British University of Sussex conducted with children of 3 years, who were separated into two groups to verify the learning of two new words.

The methods were different for each group. One heard three different stories with these words, while the other group heard a single story with the same new words. After a week, it was found that the children who had been told only one story remembered the new words better than the children who had been told three different stories.

What happens is that every time a child hears the story he is acquiring new information. The first time focuses on understanding the story, the second perceives details and description, and so on.

If the new words are introduced in varied contexts, it is less likely that the child can concentrate on the new words, but by presenting them always the same context is more likely to learn them before.

Hear the same story many times, although sometimes it seems monotonous, it is very beneficial for your learning because accelerates the acquisition of vocabulary in children.

A nourished and varied library motivates the pleasure of reading in the little ones, but it does not matter so much the quantity of books but the repetition of each one of them. Surely you still remember with special affection a book from your childhood that you read again and again.

Video: Johanne Paradis: Discriminating Children with SLI Among English Language-Learners (July 2024).