Dolphin therapy for autistic children

Animal therapy has proven beneficial in the treatment of children with different disabilities and specifically Dolphin therapy for autistic children It seems to be highly recommended.

In the Oceanogràfic of Valencia, a program is being carried out to study the impact of these animals on children suffering from autism. At the moment a pilot test has been done with two children, but it is expected to increase the places to forty children, of which half will participate in the dolphin activity and the other half will be the control group.

The results are encouraging, since they have been able to observe that children who are not able to dress without help at home were wearing the wetsuit alone to enter the dolphinarium, only of the motivation they felt towards the activity. This great step logically caused their mothers to skip tears.

The sessions were supervised, in addition to the coach, by other professionals, such as an occupational therapist, a physiotherapist, a neuropsychologist and a speech therapist, who have seen that children make great progress. They learn to concentrate, to move, to express their joy and increase the ability to evaluate themselves.

In the field of autism there are still many puzzles to answer, both about the disease and its treatments. Within them, therapy with animals, and specifically with dolphins seems to be a very effective alternative treatment for people with neurodevelopmental disorders.

Video: Dolphin therapy used for autistic and developmentally challenged children (July 2024).