Engineers who design cars think of pregnant women

It makes me funny when they say that cars are designed for everyone, when probably nobody has started thinking about pregnant women when it comes to sitting behind the wheel. That's why I liked knowing that at last, Engineers who design cars think of pregnant women.

In the video we can see a man in a pregnant suit, with volume and 10 kilos of weight, which allows him to experience in first person the difficulties faced by the future mother to climb, sit and drive comfortably.

The pregnant suit is basically used to check the disposition of the seat belts, but also to test the entry and exit of the car, one of the main difficulties that arise for pregnant women, among other places, in the car parks.

Ford is one of the car brands that boasts of thinking about the comfort of pregnant women at the wheel. The ergonomics supervisor put on his suit to detect what improvements he could make to the brand's models.

As a result, four adjustments were made in the design of the cars: the position of the seat was raised to make entry and exit easier, the glove compartment opening device was approached to the driver's side, the regulability of the height of the steering wheel and the adjustment of the curvature of the column in the seats was improved.

Beyond the car brand, be it Ford, Renault or whatever, what should be highlighted is that Engineers who design cars think of pregnant women, because there really are models that claim to be familiar and the benefits do not fit at all to the needs of a family.

Video: How Fords Pregnancy Suit Helps Design Vehicles for Expectant Mothers. Innovation. Ford (July 2024).