They get a woman without ovaries to get pregnant

Science advances day by day and that is why every so often some news appears in which something is achieved to date impossible, such as what has happened recently at the Sant Joan de Déu hospital in Barcelona, ​​where They have made a woman who had no ovaries get pregnant.

Ten years ago they found tumors in both ovaries and saw that the most recommended for their health was to remove them. I could not have children, and this is one of the reasons to make the decision with great caution, but it was seen that it was the best for her.

The ovarian tissue that was removed was saved, just in case, and that just in case it has arrived now, when doctors have been able to implant it back to the patient, making it, according to doctors, the first case in the world in which a woman without ovaries becomes pregnant.

The technique is not new, because ovarian tissue transplantation has already been performed in other women. In fact, thanks to this technique, 13 babies live in the world who otherwise would not have been born. The novelty is that none of the patients in whom the technique was performed lacked ovaries.

According to Dr. Justo Callejo, responsible for the gynecology service of the Sant Joan de Déu hospital:

These advances allow the removal of ovaries does not irreversibly damage the female reproductive system.

A tumor in the left ovary ten years ago caused doctors to have it removed. Months later, at an ultrasound check they realized that the right ovary also had a tumor. Before removing it, they removed healthy ovarian tissue and kept it frozen in case the patient wanted to have children in the future and if science could provide that possibility.

The other option was to freeze ovules directly, but it has been observed that to preserve fertility it is more effective to save ovarian tissue.

Last June, the woman went to the medical service to tell them that she wanted to be a mother. The ovarian tissue was recovered and some tissue was implanted on each side of their tubes, to serve as complete ovaries.

To make the intervention more viable, growth factors extracted from the patient's blood were added to the ovarian tissue before transplantation. Thus, when the tissue is transplanted, the blood supply restarts more quickly.

Four months after the intervention the first signs of ovarian activity appeared and the following month he had the first spontaneous menstruation. At that time the medical team began the process of in vitro fertilization, which was carried out successfully after becoming pregnant.

What great news, no doubt, for all those women who, unfortunately, see that their ovaries have to be removed before they have been mothers. I imagine that the happiness of this woman, who has spent ten years living in the uncertainty of whether or not she can be a mother, will be immense when she is pregnant. Since Babies and more We wish him the best.

Video: Medical Animation: Ovarian Tissue Cryopreservation & Transplantation. Cincinnati Children's (July 2024).