A grandmother gives birth to her granddaughter, so that her son and her husband achieve the dream of being parents

Cecile Eledge, a 61 year old woman from Nebraska (United States), She has become a mother and grandmother at the same time by giving birth to little Uma, whom she gestured to help her son Matthew and her husband, Elliot, to Fulfill your dream of being parents.

The baby, who was born by natural birth and after a good pregnancy, is the result of an ovule donated by Elliot's sister, who was inseminated with Matthew's sperm.

Pregnancy at first and natural birth

Matthew Eledge, 32, and Elliot Dougherty, 29, had been saving for years to become parents by surrogacy, calculating that they would need about $ 40,000 (about € 35,600) for in vitro fertilization, to which they had to add medical expenses of pregnancy and childbirth.

Cecile tells BuzzFeed News that when two years ago one of his three children commented on his desire to have a family, He immediately offered to be the pregnant mother. Her son and her husband thanked the gesture, but thought the option was not possible, taking into account Cecile's age.

But when they met with reproduction specialists, Dr. Carolyn Maud Doherty did not rule out the idea. Although there were no guarantees, I would test Matthew's mother to see if she could be a candidate.

Cecile's children always made fun of her for being a fan of health, of healthy diet and exercise, and now they proved how diligent it was worth, because the team of Reproductive Health Specialists of the Women's Methodist Hospital of Omaha, after performing a battery of tests, decided that he could carry a pregnancy to term.

Carrying your own biological grandson may seem like a science fiction thing, but Cecile is not the first, nor the older woman who becomes a mother. However, the gynecologist told me that "It is important that people realize that not everyone who is 60 is healthy enough to be a surrogate mother. There are probably only a handful of people across the country who can do this."

In Babies and more Her mother-in-law, 50, managed and gave birth to her baby through surrogacy

Doherty commented that in the case of elderly mothers there are greater associated risks, such as lung problems, blood clots and a greater chance of needing a C-section, "Because the bones just don't move the way they did when they were younger."

But Cecile became pregnant after her first embryo implantation, using an egg donated by Elliot's sister, Lea Yribe, only 25 years old, and fertilized with Matthew's sperm.

And, a few days ago, after more than two years of planning and preparation, she gave birth to her first granddaughter, Uma Louise Dougherty-Eledge, in a natural birth. She weighed 2,320 kilos, and is a healthy girl. The happy grandmother and mother, just remember a discomfort in her pregnancy "having had more nausea than in his previous gestations".

This is how the photographer Ariel Panowicz shared in her Instagram account, the images that tell the happy moment.

Well, holy smokes, y'all. Little tiny Uma Louise has ventured into this world and let me tell you, she is simply perfect. Carried and birthed by her 61 year old Grandmother, and created by her two Dads and loving Aunt, Uma is surrounded by an immense amount of love. Being a part of today was amazing. Cele, you are a warrior. @matt_eledge + @ ephemeral.elliot, you're already the best Dads. Can't wait to watch you all grow. P.S., EVERYONE TAG @theellenshow. Yall know shed love this.

Surrogacy, a controversial issue

It is a very controversial practice, with opinions of all kinds. We recently talked about the controversy created by the deputy of Podemos, Irene Montero, on the subject, which is totally against, by arguing that "the wombs cannot be sold".

In this case we talk about a case of altruistic maternity, in which the pregnant woman does not receive financial compensation, and that usually occurs when relatives or close friends lend themselves to gestate and give birth to the couple's son who cannot do so due to biological impediments.

It is an option that many couples consider due to trust with the person who will carry their baby. Here in Spain it is illegal, so many families are looking for a surrogate mother in other countries, such as the United States and until just a few months ago, Ukraine (although it is no longer possible).

In Babies and more The law regulating surrogacy in Portugal is canceled

Without entering into controversy, it is clear that the birth of Uma is a curious story that deserves attention. And, best of all, she is fine and her grandmother and her parents happy and excited.

Photos | Ariel Panowicz

Video: Mom Becomes Pregnant With Sons Baby So That He And Wife Can Start A Family (July 2024).