A grandfather takes the wrong granddaughter from the nursery

A year and a half ago we explained that a grandfather went to a wrong school taking the child who was not in what could be termed as a terrible dismissal (or two).

Something similar happened two days ago in the town of Río Cuarto, Córdoba (Argentina), when a grandfather went to the nursery to pick up his granddaughter and he took the wrong granddaughter.

The man, in his 60s, took a three-year-old girl home, leaving the real granddaughter in the nursery. Apparently, when he approached the girl, She stretched her arms like "I'm going with you". The grandfather must have understood that this was his granddaughter (or go to know) and the caretakers thought the same ("will be his grandfather").

Upon arriving home the man realized that this girl was not his granddaughter (namely how he realized), and returned as fast as he could to the nursery to try to solve the mess.

Upon arriving, 40 minutes after he left, he found his true granddaughter waiting for him and to a mother on the verge of a nervous breakdown that it could not be explained how the caretakers had let the girl go with an unknown man.

The mother, of course, immediately called the police, who began the search for the “kidnapped” girl. The commissioner summarized the case explaining that “The teacher was clear. If the girl stretches her arms to a grandfather, it does not lend itself to confusion. They are situations that arise, which luckily this time had a happy ending ”, which is the same as the caretakers claim.

The mother of the girl, on the other hand, did not find reason enough to exculpate them, since she said, with more reason than a saint, that "The responsibility of knowing who your grandfather is cannot be delegated to a three-year-old child". That is not that they do not know, is that many children go with anyone.

The truth is that it is a curious story, but alarming at the same time. On the one hand we have a grandfather who is not able to recognize his granddaughter and who, for future favors, has earned the right to rest (come on, I will not let him go find my daughter anymore, and I would know fatally because Surely the man took a huge disgust, but if he does not know my daughter, his granddaughter, we are going wrong), on the other hand we have his granddaughter, who threw himself 40 minutes waiting for someone to come looking for her when all the children They had already left, then we have the mother who, after eight in the afternoon, saw herself at the nursery door, without her daughter and with a brutal state of nerves knowing that another man had taken her and finally we have the caretakers, guilty with capital letters that, instead of recognizing the error, said of course, it is that the girl raised her arms to go with him.

In short, a huge mess with a happy ending that will surely serve as a lesson for all parties involved.

Video: Grandfather Picks Up Wrong Child From School (July 2024).