Children are the poorest group in Spain according to a UNICEF report

A wrecker UNICEF report reveals that children are the group most affected by the economic crisis in Spain. Almost 2.2 million children live below the poverty line in our country in 2012. According to UNICEF, in two years the number of poor children has increased by almost 205,000 children.

Dove Squire, Executive Director of UNICEF in Spain, has ensured that poverty in our country has a child's face, a statement that shrinks the heart of anyone who hears it.

Currently, the child poverty has exceeded 26%, this figure had never been reached in this age range, since it had been stabilized at around 24% for years, a percentage that is almost five points above the national average.

Among the data included in this report, it is noted that the number of households with children, with all adults without work, has grown by 120% between 2007 and 2010. This data shows that the impact of the crisis is stronger in families with children, detecting cases of a worsening of living conditions, which can affect the quality of food, coexistence and relationships between parents and children.

The chronic poverty It has increased by 53% in three years. Also note that in 2010 14% of children lived in households with a high level of poverty, being the highest figure of all the countries of the European Union, placing only below European countries such as Romania and Bulgaria.

Dove Squire, denounces that thousands of children in Spain, see how the lack of family income directly affects their education and their health, including their physical and emotional stability and adds that, being poor in Spain does not mean being unable to be treated in a hospital, but it means not being able to receive medical treatment if it is not included in Social Security.

Since UNICEF they propose solutions such as improving coordination, effectiveness and coherence in health management, education, child protection and the fight against poverty, to prevent the impact of this situation from getting worse.

Video: Child Poverty Worldwide a Focus on Children (July 2024).