My baby: 6 months, 6 kilos, 6 hours?

It seems to me that it was yesterday but six months have passed since my baby was born, the best moment of my life along with the birth of my first daughter.

Definitely, the six months mark a before and after in the baby's life. Before, they are still considered newborns, it is a very sweet stage and although they are beautiful and edible, they still do not interact too much.

After half a year they begin to interact much more with people, with the world around them, to sit down, to do thanks, to laugh out loud ... they become very funny.

In the coming months he will begin to crawl, at least that seems for his preliminary crawling exercises. Then he will learn to stand and later, around the year, to take his first steps.

Your first teeth will also start to come out. If he is like his sister, before the year he will learn to pronounce the first words and the drool will fall again when he says "mom" for the first time.

When the oldest made six months, a friend told me: "when they turn 6 months, they have already reached 6 kilos and sleep 6 hours in a row."

The little girl has already exceeded six kilos, but it is still a miracle that she sleeps six hours in a row at night. Keep waking up every three or four hours, whether you are hungry or not.

Another big breakthrough is that it has begun to eat its first fruit purees with the spoon, in addition to breastfeeding and the complement of the bibe with cereals at night.

For now, snacks are eternal because he has not taken his hand very well to swallow solid foods. But at the same time they are very funny, we are both, rather the three, because the largest is in the front row, stained with applesauce because with the hands it is very fast.

The next step is to pass the crib to her sister's room, but since she still wakes up several times at night, I'm going to stretch the change a bit.

With the food we go very well, the only consolation that I have left is to think that with 9 kilos he will already sleep all night with one pull, or at least six hours. I do not lose hope.

Video: PREMATURE BABY JORGE WAYNE HUGE 7 months of birth kilos (July 2024).