A father decides to base his entire diet on breast milk left over to his daughter

Look we've seen weird things here in Babies and more, even rare things (because they are not usual) with breast milk as the protagonist, such as ice cream or foods with breast milk as an ingredient. Well, these days a blogger by the name of Curtis, who recently decided feed exclusively on his wife's breast milk.

The aforementioned blog is entitled "Don't have a cow, man", although I comment more as data than as a link, because apparently this father decided to erase it before the flood of criticism he received, urging him to donate milk instead of taking it.

The fact is that Curtis decided to document the process in his blog. Apparently it is about a first-time father whose daughter is now nine months old. The mother has been taking milk for a while, because apparently she was producing more than the girl was drinking, and the father, who used to have stomach problems, thought that perhaps with breast milk he could solve them.

In explaining it in his blog, he said he was aware of how rare it could be to drink breast milk, but that thinking coldly, we are used to drinking cow's milk, which is basically intended to be the calf's food, and we don't drink breast milk, which is in fact what is intended for human babies. So he said to himself: "Why not?"

After trying it as a remedy for her ailments, a good day (or a bad day) decided that breast milk would be her exclusive food. Since breast milk provides about 70 calories per 100 ml, Curtis calculated that would have to drink about 3 liters of breast milk daily to get a diet of 2100 calories.

Obviously, there will come a day when the milk runs out. Well, that will be the day that Curtis has marked to end his special diet (logical, because there will be no more). During the process you will weigh yourself to ensure that you do not lose too much weight (I doubt that it happens if you take enough), although to do it well the interesting thing would be to have blood tests to see what happens in your body with a diet so restrictive and so Little adapted to the nutritional needs of adults.

On the criticisms received, it is true, I could have donated it, although I also could not have done it. Two and a half years ago, when my second child was born, prematurely, we found ourselves with a lot of milk in the hospital fridge that the child was no longer going to drink because he took his chest well. We wanted to donate it, but there was no nearby bank to do so, so we brought it home where it simply got bad in the freezer.

With regard to this father, there must be everything in this world, I say. That he drinks his wife's breast milk does not seem strange to me, or anything from the other world, which I consider it absurd to base your entire diet on breast milk, basically because it is an unbalanced diet.

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