What makes a 12 month old baby happy?

The million dollar question. If we entered a contest and this was the question, the tremor would shake our body and our speech, at least when you're first time. Since the child was born, your goal has been to make him happy, and you see that with the passing of the months, his objects of desire and happiness change. How to make a happy 12 month baby? Leaving aside obvious and the most important issues, such as the love of their parents and feeling clothed, loved, desired, understood and not abandoned, one has been checking over the months how their preferences and game wishes with changing, adjusting to your wishes and what I think you enjoy.

  • Walk barefoot: Numerous studies have shown that until the baby does not walk, the healthiest and most beneficial for your foot is not to use any type of footwear. That is why I have always tried to walk barefoot around the house, with non-slip socks in winter. His contact with the earth, and the world, is closer, is beneficial to his foot and the first symptoms of a "desired" freedom and independence.
  • Suck, bite and touch: We know, babies take everything in their mouths. We are reprimanding, saying and warning that not, that poops, that bad. The first two years the mouth is like a scanner that investigates everything so why not leave some freedom to be the most curious of scientists and bite and touch their toys, household utensils etc? Better yet if the toy in question teaches you numbers, letters or colors.

  • To be naked: I have never been able to imagine what it will be like to wear a thick and uncomfortable diaper 24 hours a day but what it will be like for someone who has to wear it, not doing it. So from time to time I give myself and give him the freedom to be naked in the house without a diaper, with clear heat, and that despite the inconveniences that may arise in puddle mode.

-The sound of uterus: Among the many toys and useful things you are looking for when the child is born in my case, something that simulates the sound of the uterus was included. What seemed impossible to find, finally appeared in the form of a bear with an internal device that emitted the sounds of the uterus (very similar to those of a vacuum cleaner or washing machine). From time to time and before sleeping, he immerses the child in these sounds and he falls into a state of pleasure that returns him to the safest place in the world.

In Happy Space | It's time to eat: everyone at the table including the little one

Video: Use this Method to Get Your Child to Listen and Behave (July 2024).