Baby carriages at Dubai airport

Recently we told you that the Madrid Barajas airport already offers a baby carriage loan and apparently it is a fairly extended service, as a reader has sent us this photo of baby carriages at Dubai International Airport.

The strollers are from the Emirates company, which has a fairly “baby fiendly” policy and offers all passengers traveling with children a baby carriage service for arrivals and transits, as well as twin carts.

The truth is that when we travel with babies, most airlines allow you to take the cart to the door of the plane and deliver it when you arrive at the destination at the same door, with which we have our own cart on the journeys inside the airport avoiding having to carry the baby in arms.

But for those occasions when we choose not to travel with the baby's carriage, or the child is in that age when they are still tired of walking too much, the car loan service is a great solution.

It is time to start thinking about the little ones when traveling, and stop being marginalized as if they were second-class citizens.

So you know, if by chance you travel to Dubai with a baby, keep in mind that a stroller awaits you at the exit.

Video: Dubai International Airport DXB Arrivals and Ground Transportation Guide. Travel Guide. Ep#1 (July 2024).