Chess is an ancient game and also an educational and therapeutic tool for hyperactive children and adolescents

A few months ago we talked about him Chess Club 64 Villalba and of the work that the president, Luis Blasco de la CruzI was performing to give checkmate ADHD. Luis explained that they were performing, using chess, specific exercises to enhance the calculation, memory or concentration of the children, in addition to ensuring that the children relate socially.

In Peques and Más we continue to want to interview Luis Blasco de la Cruz to explain more details of the activities they carry out at the Chess Club of Villalba and specifically of his initiative to checkmate ADHD. In the video, made by Antena 3 (includes advertising) you can see how chess thus becomes a therapeutic strategy for hyperactive and attention deficit children. The recording indicates that the children who have participated received chess classes for three months one hour per week and the results were surprising, at school and at home.

You can also hear the statements by Hilario Blasco, child and youth psychiatrist, who explains that it is a specific chess program adapted to the attention and motor problems that children have.

At Chess Club 64 fifty children signed up They explain that they improved their approach to mathematics, their concentration and also to attend more in class. Parents also appreciate the effort made and appreciate seeing their children with better performance and attention.

Video: Spinosaurus fishes for prey. Planet Dinosaur. BBC (July 2024).