Very useful recommendations to prevent sports injuries in children

We have brought you some recommendations offered by the Spanish Heart Foundation to avoid injuries to children during the practice of some sport. Apparently there are differences in the functioning of the organism (with respect to adults) that makes them more vulnerable.

The risks focus on the musculoskeletal system, temperature regulation and muscle overloads. The precautions to take, are oriented to prevent a fun and rewarding activity, can lead to the appearance of injuries. The article we have based on has been developed by Dr. Carlos de Teresa, who is a sports doctor at the Andalusian Center for Sports Medicine (Granada).

The doctor tells us that muscle training with coordination / empowerment exercises, contributes to a balanced growth, but care must be taken that the loads are moderate. And it is that exercises with too high loads can interfere with growth, due to the effects on bone cartilage still in development.

As examples of recommended activities (and in the original entry you have them all), we can cite: up to eight years games and psychomotor exercises such as the blind chicken; between eight and 11 years to promote the development of flexibility, coordination, balance exercises and sense of rhythm and space (as an example, start with the skateboard). Until the age of 14, attention will be given to the motor qualities and learning of sports technique (with training aimed at children's competition); and from 15 to 18 years, specialized training, increased muscular workloads and specific physical preparation for each sport can already be introduced.

Stretching exercises, aimed at improving joint flexibility, also produce a stimulating effect on growth cartilage, thus contributing to a more balanced and physiological growth.

Practical tips

  • Exercise in training sessions should start and end progressively in order to condition the musculoskeletal system.

  • He footwear should always be suitable for each activity, due to the susceptibility to overloads that children have.

  • It is advisable that children go to relevant sports medical checks, which are intended to detect the circumstances conducive to injuries.

  • Parents and coaches should monitor character changes since greater irritability is usually an early symptom of physical 'overtraining'.

Therefore it is advisable that adults responsible for children who practice sports training regularly, remember these recommendations, at the end of the day it is about promoting a healthier sports practice for the organism of the kids.

Video: Injury Prevention in Youth & Teen Sports (July 2024).