Online course "Become a Blogger Mom"

I found an interesting online blog creation course specially designed for moms called "Become a Blogger Mom" which I think can be very useful for our readers.

Among our followers there are many dads and moms bloggers, so many that we dedicate an article weekly in which we review their most interesting posts. Surely there will also be those who would like to create their own blog and tell their experiences, but they have difficulties not knowing the medium or the tools well.

The online course of creating blogs for mothers "Become a Blogger Mom" ​​consists of 9 videos, 2 audio files and 6 PDF documents that can be viewed online or downloaded to the computer, so each one marks its own pace and You can return to the contents to review them as many times as needed.

You learn to create a professional blog in Wordpress with your own domain, how to get the most out of this platform, write to read and spread the blog on the network, in addition to doing all this managing the short time that mothers we have In addition, the explanations are simple and the videos are giving a step-by-step guide, so anyone can do it even if they don't have previous knowledge.

The course "Become a mom blogger" It is taught by Vivian Watson, author of the blog A Mother is born and co-author of the book "A New Motherhood", with the support of Alberto Aguelo, an expert in communication and social networks.

In the course "Become a mom blogger" You can enter at any time through its page and it has the very affordable price of 27 euros. If you like the idea of ​​becoming a mom blogger but you don't know where to start you have nowhere to go. I hope we can read you soon.

Video: 3 Mistakes I Made With My First Online Course (July 2024).