Begoña Torres: 'To a child who enjoys reading, new worlds will be opened, his vocabulary and knowledge will also be expanded'

Begoña Torres has a degree in Economic and Business Sciences, later her professional orientation was oriented to the world of communication, and probably at that time she was developing her future as a writer.

Since she became a mother his writings are addressed to children, we know her especially for her recent success Among Darkness, a mystery and adventure book for pre-adolescent children, which we loved.

But anyone can know their stories a little more through the social network of children's literature Boolino, since they have published several of them in their section 'Story time'. She is also responsible for some amazing story letters edited by TaCarta that arrive in many homes congratulating on birthdays, Father's Day, Christmas, etc.

Begoña has gladly agreed to grant us this interview, and we have loved having her here, because a mother who is also a writer, can you give us a lot about reading during childhood. Peques and More.- Why do you write for children?


Begoña Torres.- I imagine being a mother has a lot to do. I spend a lot of time surrounded by children and one of my goals is to get them fond of reading so writing for them I try to contribute my grain of sand. In addition, children are an inexhaustible source of inspiration and with my stories I try to convey values ​​in a fun way.

PyM.- What ingredients should a story gather to be attractive?

B.T.- I compare a story with a recipe, it must contain a little of everything and mixing the ingredients well results in a good story. Of course, like everything else, some will like sweeter and others more salty.

It is very important that history has fun and surprises them to get their attention. Children have to be able to empathize with the characters and the language must be clear and simple so that they do not find it heavy.

It is true that some children do not like to read and resist doing so, they focus on other interests such as consoles or television. My advice is to get involved with them, accompany them to a library or a bookstore and leave them all the time in the world to browse the books until they find the one that catches their attention.

PyM.- You are a mother and also a writer, that makes you the ideal person to tell us the parents of children over the age of eight, what kind of readings do you prefer? Do you have any tricks that we can use in large children who suddenly resist maintaining a good relationship with literature?

B.T.- From the age of eight the child develops greater autonomy in reading. They are able to read texts without illustrations. In this stage They are interested in all kinds of genres, short stories and novels, comics, informative books on topics they like, theater to represent. The books have to have a brief extension and with a clear and direct style. At this stage his favorite readings are fantasy stories or classics, stories of humanized animals, science fiction, mystery, everyday adventures that unfold within the family, school or with friends; They are also interested in short stories or novels about their own problems, but humor is important in all stories.

It is true that some children do not like to read and resist doing so, they focus on other interests such as consoles or television. My advice is get involved with them, accompany them to a library or a bookstore and leave them all the time in the world to browse the books until they find the one that catches their attention And why don't we take advantage of these new technologies, film and television? How many of us haven't read a book after watching a movie or a series? There are many films based on children's and youth novels and they can open a door for the child to be interested in reading.

It is the parents' mission to identify which books are most suitable for their children. Of course, what should never be missing in the family library, is a good dictionary where you can consult all those words that are unknown and that will surely incorporate into your vocabulary

PyM.- You already know that we have presented in Peques and Más 'In the dark', are you happy with the acceptance that the novel is having?

B.T.- I'm very happy. The criticisms are being very good and I am receiving many messages from boys and girls where they tell me that they liked the novel a lot and even some have confessed that I had read it at a stretch because I could not stop reading. But my biggest surprise has been that it is also having a very good acceptance among the adult public and they have even commissioned me the second part in which I am already working.

PyM.- And by the way, can you tell us (if it's not a secret) how did you get inspired to write it?

B.T.- Among Darkness was born by my daughter Natalia. There came a time that was difficult for him to find books that called his attention and I embarked on the adventure of drawing her back to reading. She really liked fantastic and mystery stories, but many were not suitable for her age, so I mixed small ingredients from here and there, everything that caught her attention but that any child her age could read. I was also inspired by my own children and their friends and even some of the characters share certain characteristics with them.

PyM.- What books for kids should be a basic family library? (I'm not interested in both titles and types of readings)?

B.T.- From my point of view, a family children's library should be as varied as possible; Novels, stories, illustrated albums and all kinds of themes, the larger the offer, the more possibilities there will be for the child to be interested in reading. Fortunately today there is a wide diversity of children's and youth literature. We can find a book for almost everything. Obviously each boy or girl is different and each one of them will be struck by books about others. It will be the parents' mission to identify which are the most suitable for each child. Of course, what should never be missing, is a good dictionary where you can consult all those words that are unknown and that will surely incorporate into your vocabulary.

PyM.- What benefits are derived from a good reading habit in children?

B.T.- A good reading habit in children is essential for their educational development. A child who enjoys reading will open up new worlds, expand his vocabulary and knowledge, and improve his school performance. Reading comprehension is fundamental in your future and will be a fundamental tool in your studies that will facilitate you to have a good school performance.

It is essential that the school and parents act in tune. I consider myself very fortunate because reading is essential for my children's school. In all classes there is a small library, adapted by age, where children choose the book they like best and teachers encourage them to read at least one month.

PyM.- What can parents do to encourage reading at home? Is it advisable to continue reading to them even when they do it with ease?

B.T.- There are many things that parents can do to bring them closer to reading, the first and fundamental one is to lead by example, that is, it is very difficult for a child to get used to reading if he never sees us with a book in his hands. But there are many activities we can do with them, such as sharing an afternoon in the library, attending a book presentation or even encouraging them to write their own stories.

A child who enjoys reading will open new worlds, expand his vocabulary and knowledge, as well as improve his school performance

In my opinion it is essential that Let's share with them the experience of reading, no matter how old they are, they love spending time with us and reading with them is a good occasion.. As they grow we can suggest each one read a page or we can discuss the books with them. The most important thing is that they relate reading to pleasant and fun moments.

After the interview, we must thank Begoña who has dedicated her time to talk about children's reading, and for give us some advice that will come in handy. He has already told us that he is preparing a compilation of children's stories, and that he has begun to work in the second part of 'Entre Tinieblas', we wish him many successes.

It has been a pleasure talking to her.