How to make your baby participate in family life from the beginning

The baby is here! During the first month we sometimes think that it interacts little, that it is always in the carrycot, in the cradle, in arms eating, crying or sleeping, but From a very young age the baby needs to play, to receive affection and to interact with those around him. Furthermore, we are all looking forward to participating in the common life of the home. These tips and recommendations will help you to integrate the baby into the daily life of the family.

How to stimulate the baby

The first few weeks the baby is usually lying on his back, as pediatricians recommend to reduce the risk of sudden death, but it is also important for him to change position from time to time. Put a few seconds upside down (always under your watch), so you try to get up. Encourage him to stand before him, so he can see you. This will strengthen the neck and back.

Another way of stimulate the baby during the first months It is with very cheerful toys that are in his field of vision, that is, above him. We have to look for colorful toys that are easy to reach, with different shapes and textures and that sound. Thus the baby will improve his psychomotor skills and eye-hand coordination when trying to reach them.

Never get tired of carrying the baby in your arms. So you can be incorporated, and see what surrounds you: people, places, lights, etc. If you make a "guided visit"Throughout the house talking to him and telling him things about each room, the baby will be delighted and will look at everything with great curiosity. In his arms he can participate more in family life, see each other's faces, and listen to you better. Remember that it is not good that the baby spend many periods of time lying down, because his head can suffer plagiocephaly.

Learning from your hammock

One of the places where the baby will feel most part of the family is in a hammock. The hammock Hooplà de Chicco is very comfortable and adapts to the growth of the child thanks to its reducer and headrest. When we are in the room you can join us and get up slightly to see us. It will seem incredible to you how you look at everything and how, since two or three months, it imitates us trying to speak (even if they are only babbling). Sing songs, move your arms, and talk to him so he feels important and learns little by little.

As the child grows, you can incorporate the hammock a little more until it is almost sitting. The hammock Hooplà It has up to three different positions to accompany the baby from 0 to 6 months, and also adjusts to get in tilting position, which allows you to rock the baby to reassure him and take small naps.

As it weighs very little it is easily transportable, so you can take it all over the house so that the child accompanies you in your daily chores. In this way, you will feel accompanied at all times.

You see how easy it is to pass very funny times with your baby even if it is still very small. He will have a great time every time he interacts with you and he will learn and develop his skills.

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