Google wants to completely eradicate Internet child pornography

The search giant is creating a database of images that represent child exploitation to be shared with technology companies, law enforcement and charities for remove all child pornography from the Internet.

Photos and videos of child pornography on the Internet have multiplied at an alarming rate in recent years. In 2011, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children said that received 17.3 million of images and videos of child abuse, a figure four times higher than in 2007.

Google has announced that it wants to help curb the proliferation of child pornography. In fact, the Internet giant's plans go even one step further: He wants to eradicate it.

Behind these images are real, vulnerable children, who are sexually victimized and even more through the distribution of their images. It is essential that we act as a community - such as worried parents, guardians, teachers and companies - to help combat this problem.
Jacquelline Fuller, director of Google Giving.

The plan

Google intends to build a database that it will share with different technology companies, law enforcement and charities for remove all Internet child pornography. To build it, it will use its own technology that has been used since 2008, called "hashing", and that uses complex algorithms and artificial vision systems to identify offensive images on the Internet.


The giant is not alone

Other companies have helped Google like Microsoft, which has collaborated in the development of hashing technology for the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children's PhotoDNA and Facebook, which scans its network with that technology.

Google has also announced that it will donate five million dollars to different organizations against child abuse in various countries to help them in their struggle.

We are in the business of making information widely available, but there is some "information" that should never be created or found, Fuller wrote. We can do a lot to make sure that it is not available online and that when certain individuals try to share this unpleasant content they are captured and processed.

And what can I do?

From the RANA Foundation (Network for Help to Abused Children) they offer information about this and offer us a guide with seven steps to avoid child sexual abuse.

Above all, monitor our children and supervise their use of the Internet. The network is not Pandora's Box that keeps all evils, much less, in it we can find an infinite world of possibilities that will help us in our future, but we can also find what can destroy us.

We must also bear in mind that no matter how hard it may seem, anyone can be an abuser and that a third of the abuses are committed by people close to the child.

Child abuse is the worst crime, the lowest. Staying still without doing anything about it is never an option. Complaint.

Video: Google and Microsoft join to fight child pornography (July 2024).