17 cake recipes to prepare with children

There are few simple preparations in the kitchen than a good cake. A homemade cake, made with quality products and prepared thinking about who your recipients are going to be: our family, our friends.

The habit of going to eat at friends' house and bringing a homemade cake for coffee or tea after lunch is a great habit that we should never miss.

Today is nothing less than the World Sponge Cake Day, It is not necessary to find an excuse to prepare one but well, since we have it, what do you think if today we surprise you with a delicious homemade sponge cake for the snack?

So you can choose the one you like, we leave you nothing less than 17 cake recipes to prepare with children.

Sponge cake recipes there are thousands, almost everyone has ours because it is inevitable that when you have made a cake several times following the same recipe, when you have seen on different occasions that it comes out perfect, you are removing, putting or reducing any of the ingredients.

A little less sugar, a little less cream that we change for a little more milk, a hint of vanilla essence ... the variations are also countless.

Caught red handed

We leave you with 17 of those recipes to prepare a good cake, Recipes that work, which we have tried at home and have been a critical and public success.

And we leave you a recommendation: if you can, Prepare the cake with the smallest of the house. We are always very much in favor of children getting into the kitchen with us to prepare different dishes and elaborations. Cooking a cake together can be the most fun and see your face when you discover through the oven glass how the cake rises when it is cooking, it is a delight, do not forget the camera to immortalize the moment!

  • We start with the most basic and simple, a basic cake recipe for cooking with children. It is a recipe to prepare if you have never messed with the children in the kitchen, it is like a float that is sure to help you get to fruition.

  • We are going to make sure with these homemade sponge cake recipes that have the magic ingredient in their preparation: chocolate. What I was telling you, sure!

  • Is there anyone who can't eat gluten at home? No problem, we also have a recipe to prepare delicious gluten-free chocolate and carrot biscuits.

  • Carrot is one of those ingredients that surprise in the kitchen. More than recommended to make biscuits for their slightly sweet taste and more than recommended for consumption in the months in which the sun damages our skin more, because of the beta-carotenes it contains, can an ingredient be asked for more to prepare this tremendous cake?

  • A kitchen robot and a special ingredient such as applesauce help us prepare a delight like this cake that is sure to make you fall in love with more than one at snack time or breakfast or this one with apple and custard.

  • It is not a sponge cake itself but ... it is still, it is the socorred mugcakes that can not be easier to prepare and delicious to eat together. This yogurt is ideal for breakfast and snacks, as I said before but it is that this other chocolate and vanilla has to be a delight and also, surely leaves us the house with a spectacular aroma.

  • You have encouraged to prepare a cake with the children and you realize that you have no flour, these things happen. No problem, if you have cookies is all solved, you can prepare this cookie biscuit delight.

  • For those who are braver, with older or more experienced children in the kitchen, this cream cheese, lemon, poppy and almond cake, or this other olive oil with thyme and lemon are waiting for you, do you dare to prepare them with your little ones? helpers?

  • It is that adding cheese to the recipe of the cake can be a success, as with this mascarpone cake that promises to be spectacular or the yogurt aid that in this other case is goat's milk and that gives it a different but very appetizing flavor to this sponge cake proposal.

  • Summer exoticism takes us to long beaches of white sand, crystal clear water and palm trees loaded with coconuts. I don't know if it will be from those coconuts where the coconut milk that the recipe for this sponge cake was taken out. If you are not so much from beaches as from cities, markets, kashbas and bazaars, this Turkish cake of black tea and cocoa is perfect for you. Or for those who stay closer, this other cake is typical of Altea, a beautiful city of Alicante on the shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

Photos | iStockphoto
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